The Collective

Practising Patience

Patience has a twin—faith. Kenneth Copeland calls patience and faith “the power twins,” and with good reason. Often looked at as a giant goal to attain, patience is more like the vehicle that takes your faith to the finish line—where manifestation and victory are found. In fact, faith won’t get you where you want to…

Gold Coast Victory Campaign 2019 Testimonies

“I would like to thank you for praying with me about the preparation to bring my Son (diagnosed with autism, but he is healed now in Jesus name!) to the Gold Coast Victory Campaign. Praise God! We went and attended the 3 sessions on Friday night, Saturday morning Healing School and the evening closing session. I…

Q: How do I stand in faith for answered prayer?

A: The challenge in standing in faith for an answer to our prayer is keeping our focus on what God has said instead of what we perceive with our five physical senses. God is love! He is faithful—to His people, and to His Word. He does hear. And He is answering our prayers. What we…

5 Ways to Overcome Financial Pressure

Facing extreme financial pressure? There is a way out. Learn how you can take victory with these five ways to overcome financial pressure. There aren’t many things that can cause more stress and anxiety than financial pressure. It can be an all-consuming worry during the day and keep you up all night. The longer it…

News Flash: BVOVN is now VICTORY Network

On Wednesday, July 24, 2019, Kenneth Copeland and George Pearsons announced at the 2019 Southwest Believers’ Convention that the name of the expanding Believer’s Voice of Victory Network® (BVOVN) is changing to VICTORY™network. Watch this video to see the announcement. This simple name change emphasises the directive God gave Brother Copeland to preach victory in Jesus—Jesus saves, heals,…

A Study: The Healing Miracles of Jesus

Have you heard the good news? Healing is for today! A lot of well-meaning Christians struggle to believe that God wants to heal them. They even go so far as to believe illness is part of God’s plan for their lives. It’s a lie that the enemy happily perpetuates through the Body of Christ. The…

An Outpouring of the Holy Spirit – Prophecy from Kenneth Copeland

“What about 2019? Will there be conflicts? Will there be wars? Rumours of wars? Testings and trials? Yes, there will. But it’ll not come nigh you. It’ll not come nigh your household. This United States has come under My protection,” saith The LORD Jesus Christ. “And I am watching over it the same as I…

A Special Message from Bill Winston

Message from Pastor Bill Winston. Thank you for your warm greetings and standing with us to see God move at the upcoming 2019 Gold Coast Victory Campaign. Registrations are free and seats are limited – so don’t delay in securing your seat now. It’s always a special time when all the KCM partners and friends are in one room…

Partner Testimony – The Faith life!

“Every day is an adventure in God. Every day is full of His abundance and joy.” That’s what KCM Partner Joshua Pellowe has discovered. Though raised in church, Joshua had never heard about the victory that Jesus made available. Discovering that truth has changed his life and the life of his family in ways he…

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