The Collective

Deep Roots

Deep Roots Beautiful Fruits

When you are deeply rooted in the WORD of God and know His salvation, you are called to bare beautiful fruit that leads others to God. Seventeen-year-old Bob Nichols did just that! It was the summer of 1952, the year before his senior year of high school and Bob was in his yellow Mercury doing 150kmph on a two-lane road racing to get home late at night, when God needed an answer to the call Bob acknowledged three years before.

Joshua Moment

Living In A Joshua Moment

We are living in a Joshua moment! Circumstances, for many of us, over the last two years have changed drastically. Changes in leadership have brought unpredictable hardships. More and more we are witnessing political violence, natural disasters, and unprecedented controls. As believers the blood of Jesus gives us the victory over every situation. We know that God is everlasting, the Alpha and the Omega; He is never changing – the same today as He was yesterday. The God of Joshua is the God of your Jericho wall today.

Seven Steps to a Deeper Prayer Life

Did you know you have a direct line to God? Anything, when asked in the name of the Son, is a yes and amen. You might be praying every day, but there are steps you can take to develop an even deeper prayer life. God desires a close relationship with you, and prayer is the key.

Start Button

The Start Button

Press the start button to everything you’re believing for, and walk in manifested victory! Are you snared by a problem that is causing you to release a torrent of unbelieving, ungodly confessions? Think of your words like pushing a start button. A start button sets in motion the process by which we receive the desired end result.

When Dreams Come True

When Dreams Come True

All Ted Winsely wanted was to play in the NFL. He did not know if that dream would ever come true. He struggled with his identity until he learned to live by faith. Through the influence of Brother Copeland, and his partnership with KCM, Ted part-took in the shared anointing to see God’s abundance under unlikely circumstances

Church and State

The Battle Between Church and State

Are you watching your local news thinking: My God! Your people need You! VICTORY Channel presents a special report on Flashpoint where Pastor Gene Baily investigates the root of all this evil. Everywhere we turn we are flooded by rumours of war, domestic terrorism, government corruption or the perversion of families and children. Equip yourself in the WORD for such a time as this

Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose in the Lord.

re is a divine assignment for you. Everything you need to know about your divine assignment is in the Word. God’s WORD is alive. It is the living voice from heaven, just as you would if Jesus called your name and spoke with you personally.

Delay or Divine

Delay or Divine Interruption

What goes off in your head when the unexpected collides with your busyness and suddenly, you’re thrown into slow motion? Is it a delay or a divine interruption? Imagine, for a moment, living a lifestyle where you actually went looking for—even anticipating—those kinds of unscheduled interruptions, with the idea that something extraordinary is just around the corner. Thats exactly what…

Tithing in a Famine

Tithing In A Famine

Have you ever thought: I cannot afford to tithe in this famine. Remember what God did for Issac during a famine. He will do it again for you because God is vitally interested in your finances. He wants to multiply and protect them. But He won’t be able to—unless you open the door for Him…

New On Victory

New On VICTORY Channel!

The voice of VICTORY is needed to spur Christians to stand strong in their faith. TOGETHER, we are reaching more people than ever before through VICTORY Channel, and we’re not slowing down! We are continuously looking to expand our programming. We are increasing the number of available voices so more lives can be impacted by…

Take Your Place of Victory

Take Your Place Of Victory

To be absent from the body is to be present with The LORD, if you know Him as your Saviour, so how do you take your place of victory? There are seven core values for faith people. The Bible is a book of covenants, each sealed in blood – God was the covenant Friend of…

How to Pray for an Unsaved Loved Ones

How to Pray For An Unsaved Loved One

Your prayers can be a powerful force in the lives of the unsaved relatives and friends, if you know how to pray for them according to the wisdom and Word of God. But, how does anyone pray for an unsaved loved one? People often get discouraged when praying for the salvation of loved ones and…

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