Celebrating Jesus— The Light of Hope This Christmas

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing.” –Romans 15:13 (KJV)

The spirit of Christmas is in the air! After a challenging 2020, Christmas is a welcome and much-needed time of celebration. Many people even chose to put up Christmas decorations as early as Nov. 1! There is great comfort in everything Christmas represents.

That’s why, instead of sprinting toward Christmas morning, we’re carving out time for Advent in the weeks leading up to Christmas Day. Advent provides a special opportunity to commemorate the miracle of Christmas—the hope, peace, joy and love ushered into the world by the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

That’s what we’ll be doing here for the next four weeks at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, and we hope you’ll join us.

This week, we’re focusing on Jesus—the Light of HOPE. Christmas has always been a season of hope. From the beginning, the prophecies about Jesus’ birth were gifted to the world as a hope people could cling to—the hope that a Saviour would be born into the world who would crush the head of Satan (Genesis 3:15), so that, through this Saviour, all the nations on earth would be blessed (Genesis 12:3).

Jesus remains the only Light of Hope—a beacon of certainty in an uncertain and dark world. Now’s especially the time to remember the hope we have been given through our Saviour. Below are three ways to experience the Light of Hope as you begin this Christmas season.

Expect the Light of Hope

No matter what has happened in our world lately, Jesus is our greatest hope of all. Jesus is God’s Christmas gift to you—this year and every year. There’s just one stipulation—you have to accept the gift.

You don’t have to wait for perfect circumstances or rainbows and butterflies to appear before you have hope. After all, that isn’t really hoping for anything, it’s just believing what you’re already seeing. Real Bible hope believes the promises God has made in His Word. That’s where you get your hope from, not from your circumstances. Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV) tells us that faith is a substance, and that substance is “things hoped for.”

Remember how Elijah showed hope?

He received a word from the Lord that, after three years of drought, rain was coming. God told him to go and report this news to King Ahab. Yes, that King Ahab—the one whose wife was trying to kill all the prophets, of whom Elijah was one.

But he went. And he knew deep within him that RAIN WAS COMING. Why? Because God said so. That was enough for him.

He said, “I hear a mighty rainstorm coming” (1 Kings 18:41). There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. That’s hope! Then, he sent his servant to look SEVEN TIMES until there was the tiniest nothing of a white puff of cloud in the sky. That’s expecting!

How many times have you gone back to look for your promise? Or did you give up after once, twice or even six times?

You’ve prayed and prayed, but have you listened and listened? Listened for correction, for instruction, for that still, small voice? He’s always talking. Can you hear Him?

This Christmas, determine to hope like Elijah—even in a drought, even in the face of a crazy lady with a vendetta against prophets, if you must.

Hope will shine a light on any situation. It will take something that doesn’t make sense, hasn’t been working and seems hopeless, and give it new life again. It will show you the way where there seems to be no way. Hope will give you the audacity of Ezekiel to command the dry bones in your life to live!

Action Item: As you spend time with family, eat, shop, eat, decorate and eat again, take time out each day to build your hope for the year to come. Spend time in God’s Word, searching out His promises for your life, praying, and listening for His still, small voice. Get your hopes up higher than you’ve ever had them for everything you desire!

Watch Kenneth Copeland as he challenges you to consider whether or not your hopes are high enough.

Press Into the Light of Hope

If you haven’t heard from the Lord about a particular situation—it’s time to press in and EXPECT a correction and an instruction. Spend time in His Word until your faith is so stirred up, you can’t help but hope. You’ll know you have it when you’re filled with the joy and peace that comes from believing (Romans 15:13).

If you’ve lost hope in light of current events, this Christmas is the perfect time to turn your focus away from the circumstances and toward the Light of the World. People and governments will always disappoint, but God’s love and peace will never let you down.

There was so much hope wrapped up in the swaddling clothes in a manger that first Christmas night. But receiving eternal life isn’t the end of your hope—it is only the beginning! Let the Light of Hope found in Jesus stir your hope for healing, provision, relationships, promotion and all the desires of your heart!

But remember, hope won’t just drop into your heart without any effort. You’ve got to mix up a batch of victory by blending hope with faith and love. It’s the secret sauce of a victorious life!

Take Action! Make a list of things you’re hoping for, then next to each one, write down anything that is challenging your faith in those areas. Set aside time to look up scriptures that will build your faith and pray over each one, asking God to help you overcome any doubt or fear. Then, write down 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Recite it each day this week, and focus your efforts on one at a time. You’ll take your love walk to a new level!

Give the Light of Hope

Above all, when you have victory, you’re demonstrating the Light of Jesus to a world without hope. So many people are desperately searching for hope during these unprecedented times. They need to know that there is only one way to have true hope in this earth and that is through Jesus Christ. Don’t let the opportunity pass you by this Christmas to share the reason for your hope (1 Peter 3:15). It is the greatest gift you can ever give.

Take Action! Determine to be bold about your faith this Christmas season—more than ever before. People are lost, scared and hurting; and Jesus is waiting to love and help them. Be a light of hope by sharing the answer they’ve been looking for.

Jesus is the Light of Hope this Christmas, and it’s time to expect Him, press into Him and give that light to others. You have everything you need to live a victorious life wrapped up in His Name. What a wonderful hope we have in Jesus! That’s what we’re unwrapping this Christmas. We hope you will, too.

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