Destiny Rescue is an international Christian based non-profit organisation dedicated to rescuing children from human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Their vision is to rescue the sexually exploited and enslaved, restore the abused, protect the vulnerable, empower the poor and be a voice for those who can’t speak up for themselves. Kenneth Copeland Ministries Australia are proud financial supporters of Destiny Rescue and all that they are doing!
They currently operate various programs in five nations: Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, Dominican Republic and India. They have offices in three donor nations: Australia, New Zealand and the United States.
They’ve rescued over 1400 children from exploitation and trafficking since 2011, helped keep hundreds more from entering the sex-trade through their various prevention programs, ensured justice for those that have been wronged and have raised awareness to untold numbers. They plan to continue to expand to help reach even more children in the days ahead!
Destiny Rescue realises that human trafficking is a big problem globally with up to 27 million men, women and children enslaved in its deadly grip today. With that said, they’re determined to set captives free worldwide. As long as children are being sold into the sex-trade, and poverty that drives at-risk children into prostitution exists, Destiny Rescue will be fully committed to fighting for their freedom, restoration and offering them a chance to dream again.
Through the financial support of our partners, Kenneth Copeland Ministries are able to sow into amazing ministries and organisations like Destiny Rescue, to help change lives! Each seed that’s sown into this ministry go further and reach more people than ever. Watch below as Tony Kirwan, founder of Destiny Rescue, gives an explanation of why Destiny Rescue exists – to rescue and restore children trapped in sexual exploitation. Note: Destiny Rescue is not alleging any men filmed in this video are complicit in the sexual exploitation of children.
If you would like more information about Destiny Rescue, visit their website destinyrescue.org/aus/. If you would like to become a Partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries, visit kcm.org.au/partner to see how you can get involved!