Your life probably looks a lot different right now than it did just a few weeks ago. The long lines just to get into the grocery store, everyone wearing masks, and having to be intentional about not standing too close to others.
The effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) have changed our daily lives and, in many cases, left us wondering what the future holds—especially concerning the economy.
But know this:
Your financial prosperity is safe.
In fact, you can expect to prosper, even during uncertain times.
How can we be so sure?
Because your money isn’t subject to the government, the economy, your job or any other outside source. This planet doesn’t have any right to dictate to you whether your needs are met or not. The Bible says God will meet your needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19)!
If you’re looking for clarity on how to approach finances in unprecedented times, we’ve got you covered. Here’s how to protect your finances during COVID-19.
1. Use the Right Financial Advisor
In times of great challenge, the tendency of many is to switch over to fear and uncertainty—especially when considering finances. Here’s the problem:
Fear is a terrible financial advisor.
It’s a poor advisor in any circumstance, but when it comes to money, it can cause you to do the OPPOSITE of everything that will help you make it through the challenges. It will cause you to lean on “common sense” instead of faith, which is what opens the door to supernatural provision.
Have you made fear your financial advisor during this season?
Consider these symptoms of fear in finances during coronavirus:
- Hoarding. (Sure, you need supplies for extended periods of quarantine, but you don’t need a year’s supply of toilet paper.)
- Making panicky calls about your investments.
- Staying up at night worrying about losing your job.
If this describes you, it’s time to switch to another, more competent, financial advisor. And that advisor is God Himself. What He says about your money is ALWAYS dependable, no matter what is happening around you.
What does He say?
- He will give you your daily bread (Matthew 6:11).
- He will rebuke the devourer for your sake (Malachi 3:11).
- He will provide all your needs (Philippians 4:19).
- The righteous don’t need to beg for bread (Psalm 37:25).
- All things are added to you when you seek Him first (Matthew 6:33).
Don’t be tempted to fear for your finances in the face of COVID-19. Have faith in God.
2. Keep Honouring God
If you’ve faced a layoff or decrease in your income during the COVID-19 situation, we want to stand in agreement with you right now that new job opportunities, increase and supernatural financial breakthrough are yours in Jesus’ Name!
If you’re an obedient believer and a faithful tither, we believe you receive a double return for what the devil has stolen, just as Job did.
Keep standing on your faith, and don’t give in to fear. Don’t give in to the temptation to break off your connection to supernatural blessing—in other words, keep honouring God with your tithe to your local church. What you need now is for the windows of heaven to open over you. Malachi tells us the windows of heaven open for those who are faithful to tithe, no matter what is going on.
(Read a testimony of blessings from tithing during the Depression HERE.)
The Bible never instructs you to do something that isn’t for your good. If God is for you, nothing else can be against you.
3. Walk in the Spirit of Faith
When things like the coronavirus are attempting to dominate the thoughts and words of the entire world, that is the time to dig deep—to walk in a spirit of faith.
If you’ll dare to believe God’s Word, you can have light in the middle of a dark world. You can live prosperously in the middle of an impoverished world. You can have protection in the middle of a dangerous world. You can live healed in the middle of a sick world. And you can live free in the middle of a captive world.
But you can’t do it dragging around with an attitude of defeat. If you want to walk in victory in your finances during a time when our nation and world are facing the impact of COVID-19, you must develop a spirit of faith and persevere in that spirit—even when the devil is putting pressure on you.
To walk in a spirit of faith, you must do three things:
- Feed on the Word.
- Tune out the negative.
- Speak the Word of God.
Walking in a spirit of faith—not by the flesh—is how you stay protected.
4. Speak What You Believe
If you’re listening to the news, your neighbours or anyone else who has an opinion about how the world is doing during the coronavirus, you’ll probably get an earful of negativity and doubt.
That’s why this is a critical time to be feeding your spirit the Word of God—regularly. It’s the only way to build up your faith.
That’s what the spirit of faith does. It stands in the middle of impossible circumstances—just like the financial effects of the coronavirus—and believes God anyway. Then it begins to speak. (Try our Powerhouse Confessions About Finances During Tough Times.)
Faith doesn’t just say anything. When bills stack up, faith doesn’t say, “I don’t have the money!” Faith says, “My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all I can ask or think!”
“Well, I’m just not comfortable with that confession business. I like to believe God quietly.”
That may be what you like, but it’s not what the Bible teaches. The Bible says, we believe; therefore we speak (2 Corinthians 4:13).
If you want to change your financial circumstances during the COVID-19 situation, you must have faith in two places—your heart and your mouth.
As you walk in these ways to protect your finances during COVID-19, remember this:
God will provide you a job when there is no job. He will provide you with income when there is no possible way, in the natural, to get income. God will provide for you regardless of the world situation. Just keep your eyes on Him. He will never let you down!