How to Share Jesus During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How to Share Jesus During the COVID-19 Pandemic

We are seeing the signs of the times with the current pandemic of COVID-19 (see Matthew 16:3). People are afraid to go outside without a mask and rubber gloves, afraid to talk to neighbours, and afraid to visit their elderly loved ones. We watch the news and hear how many people have died each day. In the past few months, millions of people all around the world have filed for unemployment, forcing families to line up at food banks as they wait for help. In this pandemic, we are forced to take things one day at a time and trust the Lord for His provision. In these times like our generation has never experienced, many of us are in fear, wondering if this pandemic will ever come to an end.

According to Wikipedia, as of May 21, 2020, worldwide there have been 3,618,325 confirmed cases of this COVID virus; of these, 1,184,145 people have recovered, and 253,381 have died. We can hear all these statistics on the news and ask, “Lord, when will this pandemic end? What about my future? What about my family?”

As Christians, we are to share Christ with those around us. But how do we also witness in a world in which everyone is cautious about everyone and everything around them?

It may seem hard to get our eyes off the pandemic, but we must. I had to look in the mirror, get out my Bible, and do what I am about to encourage you to do: look at the glass as half full instead of half empty!

We must stand up and boldly confess that today is the day of salvation! Greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world! We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength! We are as bold as a lion! Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly! We are healed! No weapon formed against us shall prosper! (See 2 Corinthians 6:2; 1 John 4:4; Philippians 4:13; Proverbs 28:1; John 10:10; Isaiah 53:5; Isaiah 54:17)

Jesus said, “I only do what I see the Father do. I only say what I hear the Father say.” (see John 5:19) So, as we go about like Jesus did, we simply need to listen to the Holy Spirit, and He will tell us where to go. As we begin to get our eyes off ourselves and look to a neighbour or friend or loved one and reach out to them, God will also meet our own needs and wants, even in a pandemic!

Click here for prayer points in response to COVID-19

And to encourage you further, below are some testimonies from our students Evangelism Class at Kenneth Copeland Bible College:

“Thank you very much for your help and impartation. You made witnessing so easy, doable, and enjoyable. I am so glad that you and Pastor Brian taught us that. Through the teaching and your encouragement, I led my oldest brother, who was living in Italy, to the Lord during the Evangelism Class. I am so glad I did because not too long after, he fell sick. And exactly a year after I led him to Christ, he transitioned to heaven. That gave me so much comfort and joy. Thank you, thank you. I was very blessed by the class.” – Millicent M.

“Saturday, we met at the church; we prayed first and then went out to witness. God led me to women with children. Two of them prayed with me and received Christ in their lives! They were injected! As I continue to go out and witness, I will remember to first pray and bind the strong man.” – Betty G.

“I was in Kroger, standing in line waiting to check out, and the Holy Spirit brought my attention to a certain employee of the store. He was busy at work, so I didn’t approach him, but I prayed for him. As I was going to get gas at the store’s fuel station, I saw him (his name is Angel) walking though the parking lot. As I was getting gas, the Holy Spirit was working in my heart to talk to him. I approached him and spoke with him. After asking him why he would go to heaven, he replied that he was a good person and that he tried to spread good vibes. I told him that everyone has sinned, and the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, and the only way to the Father was through Christ Jesus. I asked him if he wanted to be sure that he was going to see his grandma again, who had died. After thinking about this for a second, he said, “Let’s do it.” I led him in the prayer of salvation and told him what had just happened in his life.

The Holy Spirit was strong on me to “Not let this go,” as Angel said, “Maybe at another time.” It is so important to be led by the Spirit when it comes to the matter of evangelism, and that is what I learnt in this class.” – J. Asher

“One Saturday outreach I went out with Gabe as my partner, and it pushed me to get back out into the harvest field and be a fisher of men. This outreach was during The 3:16 Experience when Kellie Copeland came to minister. I woke up late that morning, but the Lord told me to still go, so I did. Gabe and I went out to get something to eat first, being that we were hungry, so we went to McDonald’s for lunch. The Lord highlighted a guy who worked at Discount Tire, and I was able to lead him to Jesus—and to think what would have happened if I had not gone out and just rolled over in my bed! After lunch we went to Walmart, and Gabe led three people to the Lord, and it was awesome! Looking back at that day, I realise more that Jesus is looking for us to be willing and obedient and to respond to Him, being sensitive to where He wants us to go, because we are an answer to prayer as we are led to who we should talk to.” – Isaiah B.

By Riley Stephenson, Minister of Evangelism

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