We are living in a Joshua moment! Circumstances, for many of us, over the last two years have changed drastically. Changes in leadership have brought unpredictable hardships. More and more we are witnessing political violence, natural disasters, and unprecedented controls. As believers the blood of Jesus gives us the victory over every situation. We know that God is everlasting, the Alpha and the Omega; He is never changing – the same today as He was yesterday. The God of Joshua is the God of your Jericho wall today.
Transition into God’s Courage
In Joshua 1:2, God speaks to Joshua and says: “Moses my servant is dead…” Every circumstance that God delivered the Israelites from, through His servant Moses, Joshua had a front row seat to. But, when God appoints Joshua to lead His people, God tells Joshua three times to have courage because everything He promised Moses, He will do “…do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go,” (verse 9). Maybe God knew this was an intimidating task for Joshua. Maybe God could see Joshua’s fears and inadequacies, He still encouraged him to lead His people in the blessings He promised.
When Joshua spoke to the Israelites, (Joshua 1:10-15, NIV) there was authority in his leadership. God’s anointing was so clearly over him, the Reubenities, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Mannasseh said to him, “…Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go,”(Joshua 1:16, NIV). God prepared him for this transition, equipping him to fight every battle with victory, as He did with Moses. Joshua knew who he was in the Lord, because everything he saw and experienced with Moses was a build-up to this moment. This supernatural courage is yours today, as it was Joshua’s then. You have victory over yesterday’s failures and troubles, continue to press into God’s calling over your life because this is the time to stand on a clean slate, on ground zero, with nothing else but the blood of Jesus and the promise of victory.
Transition into God’s Promises
Transitional moments take us from where we are now, into what God has for us next. When God raised up Joshua to lead His people, Joshua became the power relationship that Israel needed to get them through the transition and into their promise. You are in a transition – from where you are, to your promise. But, before you prepare for your transition, you must recognise that you’re in a transition. As a believer, you can step into the spiritual and have authority over the natural. You can choose to be controlled by the fears of the natural, or step into the supernatural where everything you ask for in the name of Jesus is a yes and amen. So, fix your mind only on God’s unchanging promises because you cannot pass through a transition period into a new season, unless you have the right connection.
“The word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit between joint and marrow.” –Hebrews 4:12. When you’re faced with challenging situations and it’s time to decide and draw a line, there’s no better way to do it than with the help of God’s Word. God’s Word exposes truth from lie and separates good from evil, BLESSINGS from curses. Jesus—who is the Word (John 1:1-5)—said, “The words (truths) that I have been speaking to you are spirit and life” (John 6:63, AMPC). The opportunity God offered Israel for a life full of BLESSING was the same He had given to Adam and Eve, which is the same available to you. We know what Adam and Eve chose, as well as Israel—and it didn’t turn out so well. They gave in to the devil’s lies and forfeited God’s best.
Transition into Victory
“We will reap, if we do not give up.” –Galatians 6:9 (ESV)
During Navy SEAL training, known as some of the most intense physical and mental military training in the world, a brass bell stands in the centre of the training compound in perfect view of all the students. On Day 1, all SEAL hopefuls are made aware that if they want to stop the hardships, the pain, the cold, the brutal workouts, all they have to do is ring the bell—all they have to do is quit.
In war, fear is designed to weaken the enemy and ultimately get him to retreat—to give up. That’s what your enemy is trying to do, too. He wants you so far in fear, you’ll get weaker and weaker until you just give up. Fighting the battle with fear? Here are 3 Steps to Living a Fear-Free Life.
Here is the most important battle strategy of all—don’t ever ring the bell. When you quit, you give up your rights and you let the devil win. When you quit, you lose the bold-as-a-lion grit that always gets the promise. No matter how hard it is right now—don’t you dare quit. Don’t give up on what God has put in your heart. You have it in you to get there. Jesus Christ paid a high price to give you everything you need to win. You can win the war on fear, and live a life filled with joy and peace!
Don’t ever ring the bell. Trust the Lord in your Joshua moment.