Kenneth Copeland Ministries has offices stationed all around the world which enables us to effectively share the message of Jesus to people everywhere. We want to introduce you to the team that look after our KCM offices around the globe. They have a heart for people and have taken up their call from God to help accomplish the mission of Faith that God gave Kenneth Copeland 50 plus year’s ago!
JAMES, KCM International Director: “Brother Copeland’s call from the beginning was to reach the nations, as captured by the phrase in our mission statement ‘from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around’. Every day the staff here at the International Head Quarters in Fort Worth, Texas are working towards making this statement a reality in everything we do. Whether it’s producing a broadcast, creating a graphic for the magazine or ministering to a partner over the phone; it’s all about taking this message of THE BLESSING, to the nations. It’s this call to the nations that gets me out of bed every day, knowing that there are many believers who have not yet heard the most basic of teachings on how to apply their faith in order to live victorious in every area of their lives. I have a small part to play in bringing that message to them.”
DAVID, KCM Australia Asia Pacific Director: “Along with every other Partner, I’ve been serving the God given mission of Kenneth & Gloria Copeland as Executive Director for over 15 years. In that time many things have changed in the world around us, but one thing that has never wained; never diminished in joy; never turned cold; is the power of a Loving God who heals, delivers, forgives and redeems the lives of all who hear and receive His grace and mercy. These shared victories is what inspires, motivates and brings such unspeakable joy to me every single day!
And as if that wasn’t enough, I also get to serve our Partners with an amazing, talented, committed and inspiring team of KCM staff all around the world.”
DAVE, KCM Canada Director : “Kenneth and Gloria’s teachings on who we are in Christ, how to live by faith and how that actually plays out in our daily living have had a huge impact on my life. I believe that partnership with Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been key for the blessings that are on my family and my life.
That’s why my team and I focus greatly on communicating and teaching the three principles and benefits of partnership: the Prophet’s Reward, Partakers of the Grace, and Rewards of Twice Sown Seed. There is a huge anointing on Kenneth and the ministry. And one of the great benefits of being a Partner with KCM is that Partners also have the same access to the anointing of God as Kenneth and Gloria! Financial blessing, healing anointing, and revelation from the Word are all available to our Partners for the taking.
I know first hand how significant it is that I don’t have to start from the ground up, that God rewards me with the same rewards as the ministries I am partnering with for the work that is being accomplished by them. And when I hear Partners getting this principle of partnership and shared anointing; applying what they learn to their lives and see results… that is why we do the work we do at KCM!”
MARTIN, KCM Europe Director: “What a wonderful privilege it is to serve the Partners of KCM in Europe! I am so thankful for the opportunity that my staff and I have to pray for Kenneth and Gloria’s Partners and to share God’s Word with them so that they can have fulfiled and Blessed lives. I thank God for calling and establishing Kenneth Copeland Ministries as a consistent expression of the truth of God’s Word that helps believers in Jesus Christ to live for God with commitment, victory and the expectancy of a good testimony. “
CHRISTINE, KCM Africa Director : “How I approach my directorship at KCM Africa and why I love working at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, is best described by – Everything we do in ministry comes back to meet the needs of our Partners through the Word!
It does not mean the bottom line or looking good or being praised by your peers. It is not about getting the credit, (amazing how much you are able to achieve for the Kingdom of God, if you don’t care who gets the credit) or the promotions, or the praises. It is all about walking with those you lead to get results in a way that honours God. It is all about people. It is all about our Partners, serving them and walking by faith to get the desired results. We thank God for our Partners and Friends and we commit to pray for them daily and jointly enter into agreement with them. I believe that there is nothing more powerful on earth than when partners get into agreement, it rises up an impenetrable shield against any attack of the enemy… Together, we are making a difference in Africa!”
VOLODIA, KCM Ukraine Director: “People identify us with Brother & Sister Copeland. The office is like their own personal hands reaching out to those people in love, hugging them and we don’t take it lightly. The closer you are to the people you minister to the better it is. We want the people to know that there is a KCM office, and they don’t have to call through to another country, they can always call us, they can always talk to us, they can always receive a prayer, they can always share their testimony, they can share their heart with us. That’s what it’s all about! Partnership is sharing; sharing the vision and sharing the grace. Were in it together; that’s one of the greatest messages about KCM. KCM is not just an isolated organisation, but it’s a family of Partners & friends that are reaching the world and changing the world for the Lord by the Power of God.”