The Covenant and The Contradiction

The Covenant and The Contradiction

If you’ve ever had questions about why the blood of Jesus was necessary for the forgiveness of your sins, or why redemption was needed in the first place, God, The Covenant, and the Contradiction is a new book written by Kenneth Copeland and Pastor Greg Stephens. Together, they reveal how the holy Bible is a book of Blood covenants ratified in the sinless blood of Jesus.

What Is The Covenant?

Anything God has promised in His Word is His covenant with you—it’s a guarantee, no matter what people say is “the norm” or what most people experience.  As Gloria Copeland says, “It really doesn’t matter what man says, it’s what God says that counts.” That’s the covenant side—siding with God’s Word over man’s word.

God’s covenant was put into place long ago when God promised to make Abraham a great nation with many descendants and a whole lot of prosperity all around (read the details HERE). The best part of the deal is that we were added to the official agreement through Christ Jesus, making us rightful heirs to all the same promises (Galatians 3:1429).

There’s just one thing. To receive the benefits, you have to first choose to live on the covenant side of life. You can’t have one foot in and one foot out to live the kind of life that always prospers.

What Is The Contradiction?

The whole world, and the majority of Christians, align themselves with the contradiction instead of the covenant. But what about you? Which side will you choose? Find out how you can always be on the winning side between the covenant and the contradiction.

Divine promises are not nullified by the presence of challenges or contradictions. Rather, these apparent conflicts serve as opportunities for God’s faithfulness and power to shine through. Just as Abraham faced the contradiction of his old age when God promised him descendants as numerous as the stars (Genesis 15:5), we too can find reassurance that God’s word prevails over any contradictory circumstances we may encounter. It is important to nurture an unshakable faith that persists even in the face of contradictions. God’s covenant promises often unfold in the midst of apparent contradictions.

Covenant vs. Contradiction: On Healing

The covenant says you are healed of every sickness and disease, which means you have the right to live in divine health all the days of your life (Isaiah 53:4-5Matthew 8:17).

On the other hand, you have the contradiction, which is:

  • Everything you can see, feel, hear, smell and taste on the outside
  • Your symptoms
  • What the news says, or what the people around you speak and believe
  • Commercials telling you that you should count on needing pharmaceuticals.

To stay on the winning side, we must NEVER, EVER YIELD to the contradiction but, rather, like our father Abraham, consider not the opposing view. We must boldly call things that be not as though they were: “I know what the doctor said, but I call my body well. Heart, I call you well. Eyes, I call you well. Stomach, feet, etc., I call you well.”

Stay on the covenant side! Abraham didn’t consider natural things in his own situation—he sided with the covenant—and he received what God had promised.

Covenant vs. Contradiction: On Financial Prosperity

As much as symptoms in your physical body can talk—money talks, too. Have you ever noticed that? It tells you how much you need it to survive and thrive, it tells you to pay those bills and borrow for that car, and then it reminds you how much you owe someone else.

And the world is no help in this arena, either. “You can’t buy a house or a car without a loan,” they say. “You’ll never make that much money,” they taunt. “It could take a lifetime to have enough to retire,” they muse.

One blow after another, the contradictions chip away at the covenant God has with His people. Remember that covenant with Abraham? It included financial prosperity—a lot of it (Deuteronomy 8:18). You can be debt free, live in an overflow, give extravagantly and rise to new levels in your career—but you have to side with the covenant!

Covenant vs. Contradiction: On Family

We talk about healing and finances a lot, but what about family? What promises are in God’s Word about our relationships? Plenty!

If you’re desiring to be married, have children, repair a broken marriage or relationship, or live free of strife, that’s all part of God’s covenant with you. Like any other promise, there are conditions. But, the promise overrides any contradiction.

DO NOT receive these contradictions in your life. Stand on the side of the covenant when it comes to family and relationships. If you’ve been standing on a promise for years—that’s the problem. You’re in for a long stand if you’re waiting for something that’s already been done. If you believe it’s done, there’s nothing left for you to do but give glory to God. You won’t ask for it anymore—you’ll just thank God.

Faith is the Key

Meditate on what you’ve learned today, then ask yourself: Have you allowed contradictions to work their way into your thinking and into your words? Repent and change that as quickly as you can.

Get your mind off your finances, off your body, off your relationships, and get your mind on The WORD of God. Say, “I know what the contrary evidence is, but I call my body healed. I call my family whole. I call my finances well and increasing. As for me and my house, there are no contradictions. God said it. We believe it. That settles it. We are determined to stay on the God side, the covenant side, of everything.”

When you make a decision between the covenant and the contradiction, you’re really making a decision between victory and defeat. You were created to have dominion, and through Christ, you were meant to enjoy a prosperous, abundant life. Choose the covenant side of life—you’ll never be disappointed!

Watch Jerry Savelle teach more about our covenant-keeping God.

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