Questions about divine healing? We’ve got you covered with these Top 10 Questions About Healing.
You asked questions about healing…
…and we heard you!
Healing belongs to you. It was included in your SALVATION package. Still, building faith to receive isn’t always simple, although it’s not meant to be hard. Faith for healing takes desire, effort and most of all, PERSISTENCE. In your journey toward becoming a person who fully enjoys the covenant promise of healing, questions will inevitably arise.
Thankfully, God isn’t hiding anything from you! He wants you to stand confidently about receiving your healing by faith—God’s divine delivery system.
We’re answering your top 10 questions about healing to help you develop your faith for healing according to the promises of God’s Word.
Here we go!
1. If I Keep Getting Healed, How Will I Ever Die?
“Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone.” –Deuteronomy 34:7 (NIV)
The world has a lot of people convinced that they cannot die without slipping into some sort of physical decline and enduring sickness or disease.
But that isn’t God’s best!
Here’s the truth:
God didn’t put any expiration date on His healing promises, so you do not have to die sick.
So, if you don’t die sick, then how will you die?
Gloria Copeland puts it simply, saying, “You’ll just leave. You’ll finish your course, and the Lord will just take your spirit up with Him.”
Consider Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses. The Bible doesn’t mention anything about those men dying of disease or sickness. They had simply finished their course. There are many testimonies today of people simply leaving while sleeping or sitting comfortably in a chair. They weren’t suffering from any disease.
You can live long and strong until the very end of your life! Isn’t that good news? When you’ve finished your course, you’ll just leave your body. You’ll move into heaven by divine departure, satisfied and full of days!
2. I Thought I Prayed in Faith for Healing, So Why Haven’t I Seen Results?
“Fight the good fight of faith.” –1 Timothy 6:12 (KJV)
As Gloria Copeland says, “When you do what’s right, get ready for a fight!”
Faith for healing is only the beginning. It’s the stand of faith, or your patience, that takes you to the finish line. What you’re in the midst of is possessing the “land” called healing, and the devil has no intention of letting you walk into it without a fight.
If you are a believer, healing already belongs to you. Jesus has already paid the price for it. But for you to receive it, you have to put your foot on it. You have to go in and possess the land!
The manifestation of healing doesn’t always come instantly. We want it instantly—and many times it comes that fast—but other times, it takes longer.
Once you’ve claimed your healing, don’t ever say anything contrary to it. Don’t be moved by time, symptoms or anything else. Just stay with it. Refuse to give up. Keep on taking the land, and your healing will come to pass. Keep the faith switch for healing turned on!
3. Why Am I Having Trouble Receiving Healing?
“So if you walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments…then I will lengthen your days.”
–1 Kings 3:14 (NKJV)
If you’re standing in faith for healing but sense a blockage to your receiving, there are several hindrances to receiving healing to prayerfully consider.
- Your love walk. Faith works by love, so if you are out of alignment (even just a little) in your love walk, your faith won’t work as well. Review 1 Corinthians 13 and be sure you’re showing patience, kindness and selflessness to those around you. Check your heart and be sure you haven’t been gossiping or judging others.
- Unforgiveness. This is also tied to love, but it is so common and such a big blessing-blocker, it deserves a point of its own. If there is anyone—anyone at all—whom you haven’t forgiven fully, now is the time. Don’t let a grudge keep you from receiving what’s yours—HEALING!
- Doubt or Fear. If you’re believing for healing, but still have doubt or fear, you’re what the Bible calls a double-minded man. And Scripture says a double-minded man receives nothing from God. If this is your blocker, persistently resist fear and doubt. Speak against it. Feed your faith, and starve your fears to death.
If none of these appear to be the reason you’re having trouble receiving your healing, remember to ask the Holy Spirit. He promises to guide you into all truth (John 14:17).
Find out more about The Ifs Between You and Your Promise HERE.
4. I Prayed for Someone to Receive Healing,
but the Manifestation Did Not Come. Why?
“Therefore the promise comes by faith….” –Romans 4:16 (NIV)
When a person is prayed for, the healing may occur instantaneously, or it may happen over a long period of time. Often the healing has started, even though the physical evidence is slow in coming.
In any case, the person should be speaking faith-filled words—God’s Word, and not his own. By standing on that Word and holding onto faith, God’s Word is accomplished. It doesn’t matter that the physical change isn’t seen. That is not the determining factor. Rather, it is how much of His Word we know and how we are applying it to our lives that counts.
How long should we speak those faith-filled words and believe that a healing is taking place? We speak those words until the healing is complete and God’s Word is accomplished (1 Peter 2:24; Ephesians 6:13-17; Romans 4:17). Then, those words should be spoken daily in order to stay well.
On why some are healed and others aren’t, Andrew Wommack says, “I have prayed for thousands of people in my meetings across the country, and I have yet to see every person healed. It might be a problem in the heart of the one receiving prayer, or it might be something I don’t understand in regards to that particular person. But one thing I know for sure—it’s not God.”
It is important to remember that our job is to minister and pray for healing, regardless if a manifestation occurs immediately. Once we’ve done our part, the rest is up to God and the other person to receive it.
5. What Are Gloria’s Favourite Healing Scriptures?
So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. –Romans 10:17
Gloria Copeland knows that the key to getting well and staying well is all in the proper feeding of your spirit with the Word of God. She and Kenneth have walked in divine healing and health for more than 50 years, and they have no plans of stopping now!
They do this by regularly reading healing scriptures and confessing the Word of God over their minds and bodies. You can find a list of Gloria’s favourite healing scriptures HERE, as well as the healing scriptures used by Dodie Osteen to receive healing from terminal cancer HERE.
6. If I Believe I’m Healed, Should I Stop Taking Medicine and Other Treatments?
“Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.” —Galatians 5:25
It’s important to know that there is nothing spiritually wrong with taking medicine. It is perfectly acceptable to attack sickness on both a natural and spiritual level.
Not taking medicine is not what will get you healed. Faith in God and His Word that says, “By His stripes you were healed,” is what brings healing. His Word makes it clear that in His great love, God wants all His people well. In many cases, a person’s faith may not be developed enough to receive healing without taking medicine.
Not taking medicine is not an act of faith if you were not instructed to do so by God. When it comes to whether or not to continue taking medicine or undergoing treatments, you need to hear counsel from God. Until you do, keep taking your medicine in faith, and be sure to pray over it as you do!
7. Does Going to the Doctor Show a Lack of Faith?
“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts” –Colossians 3:15
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland are not against doctors or medicine. In fact, they thank God for them. They see their doctor for regular check-ups and have hosted several different doctors on the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcasts over the years.
Going to the doctor is not a hindrance to faith, nor is going without doctors or medicine necessarily an act of faith. God will meet each person at his or her level of faith. If a person’s faith is through doctors and medicine, then God will help the doctor to do his best and cause the person’s body to recover quickly.
Furthermore, the Holy Spirit may direct you to see a doctor, and if that’s the case, you should obey. If the Lord has directed you to go to the doctor, do it confidently in faith that Jesus is the Healer, and pray for your doctor to have wisdom.
8. Do the Words I Speak Really Affect My Healing?
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” –Proverbs 18:21 (KJV)
Some people say it’s a lie to speak that you’re healed when you don’t feel healed, but that’s operating only by your five senses. To receive the supernatural promises of God, you have to be more spiritually minded than carnally minded. One of the fundamental keys of activating faith is to call things that be not as though they were.
Abraham received a change in his body when called things that be not as though they were. If we want to see God’s promises born in our lives, we must do the same thing.
We call ourselves healed—even when we still look and feel sick. We call ourselves strong—even when, in the natural, we seem weak. We call our youth renewed—even when we see evidence to the contrary.
No matter how bad our natural circumstances may seem to be, we must train our mouths to say not what we have, but what we desire to have in our lives. Our words put action to our faith, and faith is what ushers in the promises.
Still have questions? Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you why you should keep speaking healing no matter what.
9. Is Sickness the Result of Sin in One’s Life?
“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” –Deuteronomy 30:19 (NIV)
Sickness and disease are under the curse, which ultimately came into the earth as a result of Adam’s sin. However, through Jesus, we have been redeemed from the curse (Galatians 3:13)!
So, why do Christians still get sick?
If we violate natural laws (maintaining a poor diet, neglecting to exercise our bodies, allowing stress to dominate, smoking cigarettes, etc.), we’re opening the door to the devil’s work and the curse.
Likewise, if we violate spiritual laws (refusing to forgive, entertaining angry or negative thoughts, living a sinful lifestyle), we open the door to Satan in this way, as well.
And sometimes, it’s simply the curse in operation for which there is no natural explanation, through which the devil is trying to steal, kill and destroy.
Regardless, Jesus came to give you life more abundantly, and sickness does not have the right to remain on you! If the Lord brings to mind a sin in your life (worry, strife, unhealthy habits or anything else), repent (make a change in a new direction), ask for His forgiveness and pursue your covenant healing rights with all your might.
Healing belongs to you! No question about it!
10. Does Healing Include All Ailments?
“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits:Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases.” –Psalm 103:2-3 (NKJV)
People often think of major diseases when they think of healing. But the healing covenant includes EVERYTHING. Allergies, achy joints, disrupted sleep, menopausal symptoms or anything else that prevents you from feeling your absolute best. You don’t have to tolerate any of it!
If you think something is “normal,” you’ll put your guard down. You won’t fight against it. What should you do? Fight! You have the victory over sickness and disease or any physical discomfort—no matter how small or how widely accepted it is. More importantly, you can win!
As long as you think you can live with something—you will. Start activating your healing covenant, no matter how small you think your ailment is.
We hope these answers to the top 10 questions about healing have helped you build even greater confidence in our healing promises from God’s Word. God is a good God. The blood of Jesus is the greatest sacrifice, with the most amazing benefits, the world has ever known. You are His blessed child and an heir to it all!
Learn how God is speaking healing to you right now in this teaching from Kenneth Copeland.