The Collective

Lose Weight God’s Way

If you’ve struggled to lose weight and keep it off, you know it isn’t just as simple as trying the latest diet. Being fit and healthy is God’s will for you. So, don’t give up! If you’re ready to lose weight God’s way and become healthy for His service, try these simple tips to help…

Get Your Daily Dose of Faith!

Join our Community on Instagram. Stay up to date and get your daily dose of faith. Follow @kcmaustralia today! Here are a few of our favourite instagram posts from the last few months..                                              …

Merry Christmas from Kenneth & Gloria Copeland

This Christmas, and throughout the year to come, just as the shepherds acted in faith on the day of Jesus’ birth, let us exercise our faith, NOW. Hear The WORD of The LORD, speak it, believe it and receive it. It will come to pass! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! – Kennet & Gloria…

Q: Do I need to work if I’m living by faith?

A: Yes—because the Lord desires to bless the work of our hands (Deuteronomy 16:15, 24:19). Is work pleasant? Not always. But it is definitely not evil. So what is God’s perspective on work? First, we must realise that God creates all of us with a very special purpose and destiny. Jeremiah is a great example…

Q: What does it mean to lay down my life for others?

A: The Bible says in John 15:13, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Jesus was telling His disciples to give up the things they wanted to do and to give of themselves to others. He said that there is no greater love than this. We can give…

4 Faith Truths That Can Save Your Marriage

No matter how difficult your marriage may be right now, God can turn it around! Maybe financial troubles have taken their toll. Maybe moral boundaries have been crossed. Maybe poor communication has left you feeling abandoned. Whatever the reason and no matter how difficult, your marriage can be saved. Begin putting the faith principles of…

7 Ways to Worship God in Spirit and in Truth

“But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way.” – John 4:23 What Does Worshipping ‘in Truth’ Mean? As believers, we’re called to worship God “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). But you…

The ‘ IF’ Between You and Your Promise

If you’ve been standing on the Word of God for finances, healing, a family relationship—or anything else—but haven’t seen a manifestation, there might be a very good reason. You see, the love of God is unconditional, but His promises are not. Even salvation is attached to a prerequisite—an “if”—which we see in Romans 10:9 where it…

Now is the Time

Now is the time. In 1994 Kenneth Copeland landed in Guadalcanal Solomon Islands to refuel his plane during a trip to Australia. A custom’s officer recognised him from television and asked, “When are you coming to the Solomon Islands to preach the gospel?” Kenneth responded, “As soon as the Lord tells me to come, I’ll…

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