Christian Living

Turn Up Gods Work

Turn Up God’s Word

As born-again, Holy Spirit-filled believers, you and I don’t need more power. We simply need to fully release what we’ve already been given. We need to allow the Spirit of God within us to flow through us in greater measure to turn up Gods WORD in our life. The reason Jesus was able to operate in unlimited power was because He spoke The WORDs of God. Gods WORD is eternal. It is sovereign. It cannot be changed. Increase the flow of God’s power in your life—starting today!

As Good As It Gets

As Good As It Gets

This year will be a as good as it gets because you will know the truth and the truth will make you free! God’s Word is a manifestation of Him; it is a truth, it is the truth! Jesus said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). Jesus said, “Continue in My WORD,…

A Bountiful Family Celebration

A Bountiful Family Celebration

Ever wondered why your guacamole wasn’t “guacamole” enough? Or why your tzatziki sauce wasn’t quite right? This Advent season, your international KCM family – from Latin America to Greece – have prepared recipes for your to collect and add to your kitchen arsenal. Travel the world – leave your passport at home! Join your international family in a virtual cook-along; enjoy 13 countries, countless recipes and much more. There is something for everyone!

Wisdom for success

Wisdom That Will Guarantee Your Success

As a first-year student at Oral Roberts University, Brother Copeland also worked as a pilot for Dr Roberts’ ministry. One day, Dr Roberts shouted from the back seat, “Kenneth! People will always tell you, ‘You can’t do it!’ But, if you will do these three things, you will always be a success.’” Here are the three wisdoms Brother Copeland heard that day. They have produced success in his life and ministry for the past 55 years. They are three wisdoms that will work for you, as well.

Delay or Divine

Delay or Divine Interruption

What goes off in your head when the unexpected collides with your busyness and suddenly, you’re thrown into slow motion? Is it a delay or a divine interruption? Imagine, for a moment, living a lifestyle where you actually went looking for—even anticipating—those kinds of unscheduled interruptions, with the idea that something extraordinary is just around the corner. Thats exactly what…

Four Keys

Four Keys to Help You Receive From God

Do you know a believer who consistently prospers and walks in God’s goodness? It seems like they have everything, and they are always overflowing with joy, peace, health and prosperity. There are four keys to help you receive from God for your overflow because God intends for all of us, as His children, to walk…

Activate Faith

Four Ways to Activate The Spirit of Power

Imagine if you activated the Spirit of Power the way you do Siri and Alexa. As a believer, you have the Spirit of Power with you 24/7! It’s simply a matter of learning how to activate and effectively use all that power – just like Siri and Alexa. Here are four ways to activate the Spirit of Power on your behalf ensuring that you reach your fullest potential and live your best life, every day.

Question of the Day

Q: Do I Need More Faith?

When Kenneth and Gloria started their journey of faith they had questions too—lots of them! Find God’s answers to the practical, real-life challenges of everyday living. Q: If I’m not getting my breakthrough, do I just need more faith? A: Faith is key to receiving from God! But what happens when we’re standing in faith,…

Secure Your Peace of Mind

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland walked into a church sanctuary one Sunday morning just as the pastor welcomed everyone and said, “Isn’t it wonderful to be in the house of God today?” As soon as Mrs. Copeland heard those words, her immediate response was: “Isn’t it wonderful to be the house of God today?” For most of their lives, the…

Where Is Your Focus?

It is easy for us to have an inward focus in the times we are living in. We’ve been told to stay at home and focus on self-preservation. We spend our time making money or being with our families or living for the weekends. But we can’t get caught up in our personal bubbles to…

The Name of Jesus

Power In The Name of Jesus

This Easter consider the power in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus can make every day resurrection day. Consider how Jesus must have felt when—after 30 years of life, plus a little more than three years of ministry—He found Himself nailed to a criminal’s cross in total humiliation and abandonment. All His selfless…

Ballot Paper

Stand Up and Be Counted

As we prepare for election season, it is important to remember our responsibility as Believers, stand on The WORD, and be counted. Paul teaches us in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications , prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that…

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