
Q: How Do I cultivate the Faith of God that is within me?

A. As a born-again believer, you have residing within your spirit the faith of God. You have the life and nature of God. Faith is a fruit of the reborn human spirit (Galatians 5:22). Your faith has the potential to produce the same results that Jesus produced in His earthly ministry (John 14:12). Faith must…

Why God Hates Sin

One day soon, the 600 million-plus, Spirit-filled believers living on this planet are going to wake up to who they really are. They are going to wake up to the fact that through Jesus, Words of God, they have been given dominion on the earth. They’re going to discover they’re the head and not the…

The Father’s Heart

How much love do you have for sinners? That may sound like a strange question, but it’s one I want you to think about today. All too often, once we get saved and get our lives cleaned up a little bit, we lose our compassion for those who are still lost. We look at the drunk stumbling down the street or the guy at the office who lies to the boss and tells dirty jokes and turn up our spiritual noses

The Faith of Abraham

Christianity is God and His family–a family made up of people who are saved, made righteous and BLESSED through faith, that lives, not by a set of religious rules, but by the love of God and the same kind of faith Abraham had.

The Good News About the Bad News

If you’re born-again child of God, there’s some good news about all that bad news. It’s this: You don’t have to let the bad news bother you! You can stand on The Word of God, shout the victory and live in THE BLESSING no matter how much the naysayers nay.

Guest blog post by Dara Maclean: Rejecting the Root

I was overwhelmed by the goodness of God today. I was focusing on freedom from the fear of rejection, and as we know, rejection is a root. The Lord began to take me on a journey through His word in Psalms 34 and had me make it into a confession and speak it over myself, as He begin to wash and uproot fear in all forms.

Don’t give up hope!

Have you ever been in the middle of a faith stand, when suddenly it seemed like your faith just quit working? Maybe you were believing God for healing, or financial deliverance, or the salvation of your family. Spiritually, everything was in place. You found the scriptures that promised you what you need. You were firing off confessions of faith like a machine gun.

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