Get Your Year Into Gear

So let’s make a fresh commitment to get God involved in our workouts, and present our bodies as living sacrifices to Him. Let’s change our attitude towards exercise and start viewing it as an act of worship unto the Lord, because that’s exactly what it is. Romans 12.1 (NIV) says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.”We must take care of our temples of the Most High God, so let’s be encouraged and get excited about exercise!


Why Walk?

Walking is not only the easiest, most popular form of exercise, but it is also very beneficial to our health. Studies show that walking briskly on a regular basis can improve your body’s ability to consume oxygen during exertion, lower your resting heart rate, reduce blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol, rev up your metabolism and increase the efficiency of your heart and lungs. Here’s more good news:

 Walking will help you live longer. In fact, once 12 year study of retired men showed that those who walked more than two miles per day lived longer than those who walked less than a mile a day. (New England Journal of Medicine, Jan 8 1998.) This goes for women too!

 Walking helps you lose weight. Walking burns calories which will help you lose weight. One study revealed that middle aged women who walk 10,000 steps a day have lower levels of body fat than do women who are less active.

Walking wards off osteoporosis. Women over the age of 50 who currently walk more than 30 minutes a day are 20 percent less likely to develop dowager’s hump as a result of osteoporosis, according to the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Vol 12 1997.

 Walking is a stress buster. Regular fitness walkers report a decrease in sleepless nights and an increase in positive moods. Walking causes your body to release endorphins which lessen the effects of “stress” hormones.

Walking poses few health risks. Because it’s not as a strenuous as running, cycling or aerobic dance, it poses almost no rick to your overall health. With that said, you should always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

What You’ll Need to Get Started

Invest in a food pair of walking shoes and wear comfortable clothing for your workouts – brightly coloured if you walk at night. Then, pop in one of my Walking Strong! CDs and go for it!

Try to walk for at least 20 minutes at a steady pace three to four times a week, and increase your workout time, intensity and frequency as your fitness level improves. You might even add a little interval training to your fitness walking by implementing 30 seconds to a minute of jogging five to six times during your work out session.

Sow each minute of exercise to the spirit and reap a healthy harvest this year! I’ll be praying for you and believing God’s best for your life.


Article by Marty Copeland from the Believers Voice of Victory Magazine.

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