I am so thankful for the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine. An article I read in the January 2011 issue, ‘Get on the Right Road’ changed my life forever. My entire life was in darkness, I was on the wrong path, I had addictions I and carried so much baggage. I was ashamed of myself, I was distant from God and I couldn’t find a way out. This article helped me to understand that through God’s love and grace I can be set free! I didn’t need to feel alone anymore. People are praying for me. I started to walk in the truth that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. It shook the chains of shame loose from me! I listened to Gloria’s teaching “God Can Turn It Around” and began my walk of redemption and restoration knowing the power of Jesus in my life. I am delivered! I am blessed! I am the righteousness of God through Christ JESUS! Praise God that I declare every day, all is well with me just as my soul prospers! Thank you Kenneth Copeland Ministries for helping me in my journey from darkness to light.
R.V, Australia
I’ve been with your ministry 14 or 15 yrs and I simply do love it! I’ve been miraculously healed of a mental ailment which had lasted for 30 long years and a heart ailment of about 10 or 12 years. The teachings of the Copeland Ministry, our Pastor’s preaching and loving care of my youngest daughter’s family with whom I live have added together to enable me to lead this abundant joyful life I lead at present. I will be celebrating my 85th birthday this month. By God’s amazing grace I am strong and healthy and simply enjoying life!
P.S, Sri Lanka
Praise the Lord! Guess what? I was released last week and wish to continue in my daily walk with Jesus. I have been blessed to receive your beautiful publications and anointed Bible during my incarceration at Townsville Women’s Correctional Centre in Queensland, Australia. I wanted to update my mailing details with you and to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the comfort, joy and blessings you have brought to me over the last 18 months. Thank you so much!
A.G, Australia
The Believer’s Voice of Victory and KCM teachings have transformed our ministry completely! Your powerful teaching of praying in the Spirit has changed and challenged how we pray as a ministry. We have learnt how to pray in the Spirit and are witnessing signs, wonders and manifestation of the Holy Spirit sweep over us all. There have been miracle healings and complete heart transformations! People are becoming hungrier for the Word and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Thank you so much, our ministry is greatly impacted by your faith-filled teachings. Praise and Glory to God!
G.G, Philippines