The Collective

3 Tithers’ Rights Every Christian Should Know

3 Tithers’ Rights Every Christian Should Know

Learn about 3 tithers’ rights every Christian should know. Do you know what your rights are as a tither? If you’re suffering any setbacks in life, you can put a stop to them! God wants you blessed! There’s no question about it—God’s will is for His people to prosper and enjoy a life of “always…

2021 — The Year of the Local Church

Word from the Lord: 2021 — The Year of the Local Church

A most powerful move of God will take place in the local church. Significant, considering the local church has been shut down. 2021 will be a year of: DIVINE HEALING DIVINE HEALTH DIVINE PROSPERITY DIVINE RECOVERY Isaiah 42:22 (NKJV) But this is a people robbed and plundered; all of them are snared in holes, and…

Join us as we celebrate Jesus—the Light of Joy this Christmas.

Celebrating Jesus—The Light of Joy This Christmas

Joy to the world, the Lord is come! This week, we’re lighting the candle of joy and focusing our attention on Jesus—the Light of Joy. That’s what people were looking for those 2,000 years ago as they awaited the Messiah—the hope, peace, love and JOY we so need and desire. “When they saw the star,…

Merry Christmas from KCM Australia

Imagine the world during this time 2000 years ago. A world in darkness. A world in despair. A world in captivity. A world in sin and separated from God. A world in need, of a Saviour! Many things come to mind when we celebrate this festive season. Three wise men. Star in the East. Angels singing…

Join us as we celebrate Jesus—the Light of Love this Christmas.

Celebrating Jesus—The Light of Love This Christmas

“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” —John 3:16 (NIVUK) If Christmas could be summed up in one word, it would be this—LOVE. God loved the world so much, that He sent Love to the earth…

Join us as we celebrate Jesus—the Light of Salvation—this Christmas.

Jesus: The Light of Salvation This Christmas

It’s Christmas Eve! We’re lighting the final candle of Advent today—the candle of salvation. Without this candle, no other candle can shine. It’s the focal point of all our celebration and is deeply meaningful to those who have chosen to receive the Light of Salvation, Jesus, in their lives. “For the wages of sin is…

Celebrating Jesus—The Light of Peace This Christmas

Christmas is the perfect reminder of what true peace looks like and how Jesus—the Light of Peace—is all you’ll ever need to live a peace-filled life. Here’s why. At the moment, the world around us feels like anything but peace. Angry rhetoric, threats of violence and a lingering spirit of strife are all out to…

Celebrating Jesus— The Light of Hope This Christmas

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing.” –Romans 15:13 (KJV) The spirit of Christmas is in the air! After a challenging 2020, Christmas is a welcome and much-needed time of celebration. Many people even chose to put up Christmas decorations as early as Nov. 1! There is great…

Ready for Great Change in 2020? 3 Reasons It Starts at Church

Ready for Great Change in 2020? 3 Reasons It Starts at Church

Stop going to church. You never thought you’d hear that from us, did you? Here’s the reason why. When you just show up every week at a church service, you’re shortchanging yourself, and you’re keeping yourself stuck right where you are in life. Which, if you’re merely a church attendee, is probably the same place you were…

The 7 Habits of Strong Christians

The 7 Habits of Strong Christians

When you establish the 7 habits of strong Christians in your life, it will keep you strong, protect you from the enemy, and catapult you to VICTORY. The secret to your future is hidden. It’s not hidden from you, though—it’s hidden for you. You see, your future is up to you. Whatever you have and whatever happens in your…

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