The Collective

7 Ways to Destroy the Spirit of Racism

Racism, at its root, is really a spirit of division. Learn 7 ways to destroy the spirit of racism in your life and family! No one in their right mind would willingly turn a rattlesnake loose in their home. Yet people everywhere are doing it, right now. They’re throwing open the doors of their lives…

Q&A: How is Israel Important Today?

A: God has always had a plan for the nation of Israel, and we can see in Romans 1:16 that even after Jesus had paid the price for man’s sin, God still made special reference to the Jews. Understanding why requires that we realize that God sees three distinct groups of people in the world—the Jews, the Gentiles (people who aren’t Christians) and the Church. And each have a unique role (see 1 Corinthians 10:32).

You Make it Possible. Thank you Partners!

BECAUSE YOU PRAY. BECAUSE YOU GIVE. YOU MAKE IT POSSIBLE. Countless lives have been transformed because you have connected and committed to being part of the international mission God has given us—to bring the transforming WORD of God to the nations and connect people to the God who loves them! Copyright © 1997- Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. aka Kenneth…

3 Ways to Activate the Anointing

When Jesus walked the earth, His Anointing was evident by the miracles He performed and the lives He touched. From demons to disease, no malady or evil presence could withstand the power that flowed from Jesus Christ. As a follower of Christ, you have access to the same anointing. When you activate your faith, you…

KCM Australia Staff’s Family Favourite Worship Tracks

We thought it would be fun to create a Spotify playlist for you with some of the KCM Staff’s Family’s favourite worship tracks in this season. It’s a mix of anthems, promises, reflections and declarations of faith and hope. At just the right time you might come across a song that contains a reminder or an…

How to Protect Your Finances During COVID-19

Your life probably looks a lot different right now than it did just a few weeks ago. The long lines just to get into the grocery store, everyone wearing masks, and having to be intentional about not standing too close to others. The effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) have changed our daily lives and, in…

6 Prayer Points in Response to COVID-19

Wondering how to respond to the coronavirus as a Christian? Use these prayer points to take your place of authority. Quarantines, resource shortages and the strain on the economy can leave many people feeling helpless during these challenging times. But make no mistake—you were made to conquer. God has said He will always cause us…

Need a Creative Healing Miracle?

Carrying a dead baby in her arms, a woman in Africa approached the tent where T.L. and Daisy Osborn were holding a healing meeting. She came to receive. The mother put the baby in Daisy’s arms and asked if she would pray for her child to live. Daisy took the baby and prayed over her, rebuking the…

Standing Strong IN FAITH Against Coronavirus (COVID-19)

You Have Victory Over Coronavirus! For everyone born of God is victorious and overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has conquered and overcome the world—our [continuing, persistent] faith [in Jesus the Son of God]. —1 John 5:4 (AMP) Jesus has already redeemed you from the curse—which includes all sickness and disease (Galatians 3:13)! We…

You + KCM = Power

“Our greatest days of ministry lie ahead as we minister alongside one another in this glorious partnership exchange!” –Kenneth Copeland What Is Partnership? Partnership. It’s more than giving and sowing. It’s more than prayer. It’s a covenant—a joining together in faith. It’s being a part of something bigger than yourself.  More than that—it’s POWER! It’s…

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