The Collective

The Power of Tithing

The Power of Tithing

There are promises in His Word reserved for those who act on it through tithing. Yet, most Christians have not learnt the importance of tithing & how to claim their tithers rights! Malachi 3:10-11 is clear about what a tither can expect to receive from the Lord!

Cultivate a Heart of Thanksgiving

Cultivate a Heart of Thanksgiving

Psalm 31:19 says, You have stored up great blessings for those who honour you. You have done so much for those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world.” How do we stay “on” so we release God’s goodness into the rest of our 2023? By simply cultivating a heart of thanksgiving.

The Impact: Healing Is For Today!

The Impact: Healing Is For Today!

Abraham’s Testimony: Abraham* is a Kenneth Copeland Ministries Covenant Partner from Papua New Guinea. His love for God grounded him in The WORD, so he could receive his healing immediately. Watch as Abraham shares just how God spoke to him. Healing Belongs To You Jesus took sicknesses, diseases, weaknesses, and pains on the same cross…

Prayer Makes A Big Difference

Prayer Makes a Big Difference

Our ministry desires more than anything in this world to help you discover God’s principles to live in health, peace, joy and prosperity. This ministry is not about us; it’s about how we can come alongside you – encouraging you, strengthening you and sharing in His glory with you. It is one of Kenneth and…

Why Is Prayer So Important

Why Is Prayer So Important?

Agreement in prayer is powerful! This is what Matthew 18:19-20 has to say about people praying together: “Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (harmonise together, make a symphony together) about whatever [anything and everything] they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father…

Transformative Obedience

Transformative Obedience

Obedience is transformative because God’s word is transformative! It’s transformative because The WORD is living – it is not a relic that does not have power. The WORD is alive, active, and actionable today. You can do all things, through Christ (The WORD) who strengthens you (Philippines 9:11). So, what about that vision He put…

A sinking Ship

Are You Sinking Your Own Ship?

“Loose lips sink ships,” are you sinking your own ship?This phrase, which originated during World War II, was a direct warning against unguarded conversations by members of the United States military. At the time, the enemy was looking to target vessels coming across the Atlantic with troops or weapons. If they could learn the schedule…

Supernatural Disposition

Your Natural Supernatural Disposition

If your natural disposition is in the supernatural, Brother Bill Winston calls that living Life in 4D; Another dimension where you’re operating from a place of absolute victory over everything! See, God’s will for you is complete shalom – nothing missing; nothing broken! Full restoration! “Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to…

A Prayer for Partners

A Prayer For Partners from Kenneth Copeland

Our Covenant Partners frequently sow with their heart and their hand. They have given God their “YES,” and actively participate in the kingdom mission of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Kingdom mission work like: successfully rescuing Jewish Ukrainian refugees to Israel to make Aliyah during a season of war. Our Covenant Partners pray for us, as we…

The Covenant and The Contradiction

The Covenant and The Contradiction

If you’ve ever had questions about why the blood of Jesus was necessary for the forgiveness of your sins, or why redemption was needed in the first place, God, The Covenant, and the Contradiction is a new book written by Kenneth Copeland and Pastor Greg Stephens. Together, they reveal how the holy Bible is a…

Go Boldly As a Child of God

Go Boldly As A Child of God

Step into a world of fearless faith! Discover the power of going boldly as a child of God – trusting like a child, facing giants with unwearying courage, and dreaming audacious dreams. You are part of a chosen generation – for such a time as this. Get ready to embrace childlike boldness on your divine journey.

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