The Collective

An Apostle To Physicians

God calls things as they should be, not as they are (Romans 4:17). He will equip you for kingdom work when He calls you. It is up to you to answer and obey, as was the case for Dr. Avery Jackson. He felt as comfortable in surgery as most people feel having a cup of…

Activate Your Anointing

Activate Your Anointing

This is precisely the time to activate your faith and believe that God will do exactly what He says He will do. Your faith in Christ was not meant to sit unused on a shelf, but to be living and active, working in the trenches of your life. The bottom line is, your faith works when you work your faith. Choosing to focus on God’s Word, expressing your faith, and walking it out every day will activate the Anointing of God in your life.

Turn Up Gods Work

Turn Up God’s Word

As born-again, Holy Spirit-filled believers, you and I don’t need more power. We simply need to fully release what we’ve already been given. We need to allow the Spirit of God within us to flow through us in greater measure to turn up Gods WORD in our life. The reason Jesus was able to operate in unlimited power was because He spoke The WORDs of God. Gods WORD is eternal. It is sovereign. It cannot be changed. Increase the flow of God’s power in your life—starting today!

Create a Victorious Life

Create A Victorious Life

With God’s WORD there’s peace, prosperity, freedom, power, healing and more. His WORD formed this universe and holds life-giving, dynamic power. As you are looking to create a victorious life, using His WORD can alter any circumstance in your favour. The more you focus and believe on the WORD, the more fruit you will bear, and the more God’s promises will bloom in your life. God’s Word will do its part so long as we refuse to turn away.

Walk In Your Anointing

Walk In Your Anointing

In the Church, a lot of emphasis is placed on the importance of fellowshipping with one another and connecting with like-minded believers. as the Body of Christ, we need to understand that we don’t have church just to have a place to hang out, or so we can be around people who treat us with a little respect. We come together to connect with God’s Anointing.

Word of The Lord

God Is Blessing Me In 2023

WORDS from the Lord through Kenneth Copeland for 2023: Make sure that My WORD is final authority in your life in 2023. “2023 will be as exciting as it can be. It will be the time when you will say it and the devil will flee. All around you will begin to rise up, like great mountains of victory. And you will stand strong and say, ‘God is on my side in 2023 because He is blessing me.’”

As Good As It Gets

As Good As It Gets

This year will be a as good as it gets because you will know the truth and the truth will make you free! God’s Word is a manifestation of Him; it is a truth, it is the truth! Jesus said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). Jesus said, “Continue in My WORD,…

Grab Hold of Prophecies

Grab Hold of Prophecies

Prophecies from seasoned prophets, like Kenneth Copeland, are tools to guide us into what’s coming next, particularly at the start of a new year. This year, we want you to grab hold of prophecies that give you clear directions to your destination. Prophetic words give us directions to help us stay on the straight and protected path, guiding us to a miraculous and prosperous new year.

Revival Capital

The Revival Capital of The World

When God decides to create something, He calls “things which be not as though they were” (Romans 4:17). So, it’s no surprise that the first time He spoke to Kenneth Copeland about “The Revival Capital of the World®,” no such place existed.
Today, instead of being a vision that can only be seen through the eyes of faith, The Revival Capital of the World continues to grow into a visible, material reality.
Even with all that’s being accomplished, there’s more to be done and less time left to finish it. As Brother Copeland said 43 years ago when he first announced the vision for The Revival Capital, “The end of this age is staring us in the face. Jesus is coming so soon! There is no time for compromise in any form.

Jesus is The Reason

Jesus Is The Reason

Each December, images of Santa Claus are everywhere. We see visions of a large man in a red suit with a long white beard and rosy cheeks. For believers the celebration of a King born in a manger to save His people from their sins is a redemption story that brings joy and meaning to this season. Jesus is the central figure of Christmas, even the marketing invention that is Santa Clause is based on a real Saint who was a believer of the Prince of Peace.

A Bountiful Family Celebration

A Bountiful Family Celebration

Ever wondered why your guacamole wasn’t “guacamole” enough? Or why your tzatziki sauce wasn’t quite right? This Advent season, your international KCM family – from Latin America to Greece – have prepared recipes for your to collect and add to your kitchen arsenal. Travel the world – leave your passport at home! Join your international family in a virtual cook-along; enjoy 13 countries, countless recipes and much more. There is something for everyone!

Shine The Light of Jesus

Christmas is a time the world pauses to look to Jesus. For some, Christmas is the only time they hear about Jesus, for others it’s the first time they meet Jesus. But, can you imagine if every day was Christmas? What would it look like if every day was the first day we met Jesus? One church in Central Victoria is introducing, and reintroducing people to King Jesus and bringing the children of God to salvation for eternal Christmas in His presence.

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