Christian Living

You’re Worth It

You are the most beautiful thing He has ever seen and ever will see. Jesus is the Son of God. You probably already knew that. But what else is He? A lot. Jesus is the Word made flesh. Jesus is the fulfillment of prophecy. Jesus is your teacher, preacher and healer. Jesus is your gift from God.

Labourers Wanted

Sure, God’s kingdom includes heaven. But it’s also on earth. If we’ll learn how that kingdom operates we can enjoy its privileges, become its ambassadors and expand its influence.

How to be led by the Holy Spirit

Learning to accurately distinguish the leading of the Holy Spirit is perhaps the greatest challenge we can face. Abiding in the Lord and maintaining a living connection with Him begins with hearing and obeying Him.

Free eBook: A House Not Divided

Defeat the spirit of division! (Book Review) Warning: A destructive spirit of division has been assigned by the devil to destroy our homes, churches and nation. But, the good news is we can stand strong in the face of the devil’s attempts to divide us! The Body of Christ has the power to keep the…

The Favour of God is Yours

There are plenty of scripture s for you to stand on that affirm you are surrounded by God’s favor. Get them firmly established in your heart. How would your life look if you were surrounded by God’s favour all day, every day?

Compassion Had a Plan

Set priorities. Put first things first. Major on the majors … and don’t sweat the small stuff. We’ve all heard the slogans. Experts tell us they’re the key to success.

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