
The Impact: Empower International

The Impact: Empower International

As each gift comes in, we receive it, bless it and put it to work. Not only does it enable us to fulfil the KCM mission, but part of that mission is sowing into other ministries also fulfilling their mission – meaning your seed goes further and reaches more people! Have a look at the…

The Impact: The Blessing of helping others!

The Impact: The Blessing of helping others!

Every day, we receive testimonies of divine healing, restored relationships, supernatural increase, provision and so much more – the blessing of helping others! That’s what happens when we all do our part.  Have you ever been afraid of God’s will for your life? For most believers, the honest answer to that question is yes. At…

Reaching the world togeher!

Reaching the world together!

Think about what it’s like to know that you support a ministry that is changing people’s lives every day with the love of Jesus. Think about what it’s like to be a part of an army of believers making the gospel happen all over this earth! We’re literally reaching the world together. Kenneth Copeland Ministries…

The Power of Tithing

The Power of Tithing

There are promises in His Word reserved for those who act on it through tithing. Yet, most Christians have not learnt the importance of tithing & how to claim their tithers rights! Malachi 3:10-11 is clear about what a tither can expect to receive from the Lord!

Why Is Prayer So Important

Why Is Prayer So Important?

Agreement in prayer is powerful! This is what Matthew 18:19-20 has to say about people praying together: “Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree (harmonise together, make a symphony together) about whatever [anything and everything] they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father…

A Prayer for Partners

A Prayer For Partners from Kenneth Copeland

Our Covenant Partners frequently sow with their heart and their hand. They have given God their “YES,” and actively participate in the kingdom mission of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Kingdom mission work like: successfully rescuing Jewish Ukrainian refugees to Israel to make Aliyah during a season of war. Our Covenant Partners pray for us, as we…

The Power of Partnership

The Power of Partnership

How do you activate the power of partnership? As a believer, God calls you to carry out the deeds of Jesus, moving beyond an ordinary natural existence. God supplies His supernatural power through individuals whom He has uniquely anointed. Ephesians 4:11, written by Paul, states that God “bestowed some as apostles, some as prophets, some…

Still The Same Gabby

Two-time Olympic gold medallist Gabrielle Douglas thought about giving up many times. Through emotional and physical exhaustion she had victory fixed on her heart because her early years in KCM Children’s Ministry as part of the Superkid Academy, taught her to put God WORD first place, and make it final authority. Gabby made history in the 2012 Olympics in London because she was rooted in faith in her family, and her extended Church family at Eagle Mountain International Church.

An Apostle To Physicians

God calls things as they should be, not as they are (Romans 4:17). He will equip you for kingdom work when He calls you. It is up to you to answer and obey, as was the case for Dr. Avery Jackson. He felt as comfortable in surgery as most people feel having a cup of…

Walk In Your Anointing

Walk In Your Anointing

In the Church, a lot of emphasis is placed on the importance of fellowshipping with one another and connecting with like-minded believers. as the Body of Christ, we need to understand that we don’t have church just to have a place to hang out, or so we can be around people who treat us with a little respect. We come together to connect with God’s Anointing.

Shine The Light of Jesus

Christmas is a time the world pauses to look to Jesus. For some, Christmas is the only time they hear about Jesus, for others it’s the first time they meet Jesus. But, can you imagine if every day was Christmas? What would it look like if every day was the first day we met Jesus? One church in Central Victoria is introducing, and reintroducing people to King Jesus and bringing the children of God to salvation for eternal Christmas in His presence.

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