Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on February 16, 2014
“I know,” saith The LORD, “that the pressure is on. I know that the forces of darkness have pressed and pushed and attempted to overcome not only this nation, but are trying to overcome My people all over the world. He thinks this is his time because he understands that the time is so short. And, yes, soon and very soon a major change is coming. Change, change—especially in the lives of those who are determined to live by faith, and for those who have made decisions of quality to walk in the commandment of love, and for those who are determined to say what they hear Me say,” saith The LORD, “and do as I direct and command.
“For these are not times for you to fail. These are times for you to succeed beyond anything you’ve ever dreamed of before. So as you continue to walk by faith, as you continue to walk in love and kindness, as you continue to keep an ear toward Me and acknowledge Me,” saith The LORD, “every day, all day, everywhere you go, have it be somewhere I have directed you to go. I’ll walk with you in the small things. I’ll say, ‘No, don’t go in this way this morning that you usually go. Turn down this way. Turn down that way.’ For you see, I have blessings waiting on you at every corner, every way and every turn. And you’ll say, ‘My, my! What has happened? I’m so blessed. Things are changing. My family has come to The LORD. Things are changing, when just a little while ago things looked so dark, things looked so low and bad to me. But something is happening. Things are changing!’ Hallelujah.
I have blessings waiting on you at every corner, every way and every turn.
“Things are looking up! For the momentum has swung in the other direction. It looked a long time like the enemy, the darkness and all of that dark kingdom had the upper hand, and the things were swinging for them that we just seemed like whatever we did just hit such opposition. Ah! No! Oh no! No, no! Look up! Momentum has changed. It’s working for you. It’s swinging for you. My grace has begun to overcome and swallow up the opposition around you. And soon and very soon, sooner than you think, oh, sooner than you think, the big change is coming! I’m coming,” saith The LORD. “Heaven is fully prepared. We’ve been preparing all these years to receive you and we are fully prepared. Heaven is ready. For the time is at hand. The trumpet is about to blow and we’re all about to go. So rejoice and be glad and declare the wonders of The LORD are at hand. For great is His presence, great is His grace, and the best is yet to come.”
Watch as Kenneth Copeland delivers this Prophecy at the Words of Life Church, North Miami Beach