The Collective

Four Keys

Four Keys to Help You Receive From God

Do you know a believer who consistently prospers and walks in God’s goodness? It seems like they have everything, and they are always overflowing with joy, peace, health and prosperity. There are four keys to help you receive from God for your overflow because God intends for all of us, as His children, to walk…

Gods Supply Chain

God’s Supply Chain

Where ever you are in our region, you are most likely experiencing the shortages caused by supply-chain bottleneck issues. The entire world is experiencing record shortages of many products that consumers are used to having readily available. Items like food, household goods, electronics, automobiles and supplies of every kind—including baby formula. Prices are also increasing…

The Spirit of Power and Authority

The introduction of the Spirit of Power is found in the beginning of God’s WORD. In the Genesis account, it is written that the Spirit of God was moving on the earth, but nothing happened until God spoke it. Everything God did and does is good. Today is your receiving day. You are starting fresh! You are one day closer to the return of Jesus, because we are in the Eden covenant.

Activate Faith

Four Ways to Activate The Spirit of Power

Imagine if you activated the Spirit of Power the way you do Siri and Alexa. As a believer, you have the Spirit of Power with you 24/7! It’s simply a matter of learning how to activate and effectively use all that power – just like Siri and Alexa. Here are four ways to activate the Spirit of Power on your behalf ensuring that you reach your fullest potential and live your best life, every day.

Defying Death

Defying Death

Gabriel and Evelyn Alexander didn’t believe for a miracle because they wanted a testimony. To get that, they had to defy death. And, that they did! Planting their feet firmly in the power of their faith, Gabriel and Evelyn answered the call to serve, and invited the court of heaven to stand in agreement with them as they defied death to live their divine appointment.

Name Your Seed

Q: What is “Naming Your Seed”?

Kenneth urges everyone to name your seed. God desires to meet our needs and heal us simply because He loves us. What naming your seed does is establish a point of contact for your faith. God has plainly declared that we will walk in His blessings when we sow to the spirit. What matters ultimately is that we are seeking the Spirit of God and receiving His direction in our lives.

God-Inside Minded

God-Inside Minded

It’s our choice to be God-inside minded because faith works when you believe God’s WORD. God desires and has provided for all of His children to be rich. It’s available by faith. We should be blessed and operating in the good things of God all the time, giving God the praise and enjoying life to…

Question of the Day

Q: Do I Need More Faith?

When Kenneth and Gloria started their journey of faith they had questions too—lots of them! Find God’s answers to the practical, real-life challenges of everyday living. Q: If I’m not getting my breakthrough, do I just need more faith? A: Faith is key to receiving from God! But what happens when we’re standing in faith,…

Faith Authority

7 Facts About Your Authority

As a believer, there are facts about your authority you must know. There are 7 facts about your authority in Jesus Christ that will allow you to walk in power. Let’s examine God’s Word concerning that position and the authority we have in Him. When you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, Colossians 1:13 says…

Date With Destiny

Date with Destiny

After his water baptism, a stranger prophesied over Creflo Dollar. After being baptised in the Spirit, the Lord led Creflo Partner with Kenneth and Gloria, where destiny was fulfilled.

How To Get Direction From God

Do you need direction from the Lord concerning a specific situation but don’t know how to receive it? Do you desire to hear the Lord answer you whenever you pray? The good news is that you can have the answers you need and the rewarding prayer life you desire. When you pray, you can be…

Faith Lane

Living Life in The Faith Lane

When you jump on a highway, you have a choice. You can drive in the slow lane, cruise along in the middle lane, or move over to the fast lane. In life, you have choices, too, regarding which lane you’ll cruise in. You can hang out in the “safe” lane, the waiting-for-everything-to-fall-in-your-lap lane, the guarded…

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