The Collective

Are You Talking To Your Body

Are You Talking To Your Body?

Are you talking to your body? Are you telling your body how to be, or are you letting your body tell you how it’s going to be? We don’t have a choice about whether or not we live by words, but we do have a choice about which words we live by. It’s time to…

Great Great Victory

‘Great, Great Victory!’

On January 18, Brother Copeland delivered a prophecy at the Eagle Mountain International Church. And the Lord said: Prophecy from Brother Copeland “There are many who have lived out their lives and will go home in 2022. And there are those who will step over to the other side and join the great cloud of…

How to get rid of Worry

How To Get Rid Of Worry

Many Christians spend a lot of time worrying about their lives. They worry about their jobs, their families, their children, their homes, their schedules, the weather, traffic and more. The good news is Jesus died to free you from worry. It doesn’t have to exist in your life. Look at these five ways to get…

God forgives

Q: If God Forgives, Why Do I Still Have Trouble?

Many believers ask, “if God forgives, why isn’t life free of troubles?” The WORD of God makes a distinction between the cost of disobedience, and the victory of your faith. Answer: You are forgiven! It’s so important to realise that. Whatever you have done, God forgave you the moment you asked Him and received His…

Faiths Quick Fix

A Quick-Fix For Worn Down Faith

Somewhere along the way, an unspoken rule was formed that says you must always have it together. Be perfect. Never feel weary in your faith. You don’t have to pretend anymore. Sometime you needs quick fix for when you’re feeling a little worn down. It’s time we break through the facade and discuss the reality…

2022 - The year of correction, direction, protection and perfection

What’s In Store for 2022?

The Lord Is Speaking “In 2022, you’ll know what to do.” That’s how Brother Copeland sums up the word of the Lord he received for the new year. Most of us can remember life without GPS, but none of us has ever been without a map. Knowing where you’re going and how to get there…

Jesus on Every Available Voice

Every Available Voice

We are so excited to share with you this victory! After a long season off air, our prayers have been answered! The Believers Voice of Victory is now on Channel Nine weekdays at 4am and on demand on 9Now. We’re starting 2022 in victory with our mission to get Jesus on every available voice. This…

Find Gods Favour

Access Gods Favour

by Gloria Copeland God’s favour will change your life and you have to know how to access Gods favour. How would your life look if you were surrounded, all day and every day, by God’s favour? How different would things be if doors opened for you, and you walked through each one covered with God’s…

The Cost of Compromise

The Cost of Compromise

Compromise will cost you what the Lord has in store for you. Compromise may not seem like a big deal at the time, but the Bible teaches that its implications are far-reaching. Daniel was a man who lived a no-compromise life, and saw power and blessing released as a result. Brother Copeland says, “The book…

We have gift for you

We Have Gifts For You

Love gives! We love you and we have gifts waiting for you! We’ve gathered a selection of songs, devotions, gifts, crafts and recipes from the Copeland family so you can build your faith and enrich the quality time you spend with your loved ones everyday for 25 days of Christmas. We’re half-way through the Advent…

God's Gift of Salvation

God’s Gift Of Salvation

Of all the gifts we receive, the best ones come from above and there is none greater than God’s gift of salvation! Our heavenly Father has given—and continues to give—us the most wonderful gifts, and salvation is the gift that gives abundantly; This gift was given through Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. Ephesians 2:8 tells us…

The First Christmas

The First Christmas

Have you ever imagined how heaven celebrated the first Christmas? As believers, we know the birth of Jesus is our deliverance from sin, and the promise of eternal salvation. So, we remember the gift of Jesus’ birth, and by faith receive it, but how did heaven rejoice over the fulfilment of the redemption plan through…

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