The Collective

Can God protect my children?

Q. After the recent school shootings, I have become more and more concerned about the safety of my children. I’d like to believe God will protect them. But can I really know for sure that He will? A. Yes! You can be sure God will protect your children because He’s specifically said He will. His…

Realise your dreams

God wants you to have great expectations. He wants you to dream big, Word-based, Holy Spirit-inspired dreams, and He wants to make those dreams come true. For Him to do so, however, you must stay with the faith program and be patient. You must keep believing and refuse to quit on your dreams, no matter…

What to Pray When you Disagree with the Government

“How should I pray for the government?” That’s a question many Christians ask themselves. Sadly, when it comes to politics, generations of church people have said, “We’re just hoping this political party can fix this mess….” or “We’re just hoping and praying such-and-such a group can fix it.” Well, the politicians— are not God. They’re only…

We pray for you everyday!

Our ministry desires more than anything in this world to help you discover God’s principles to live in health, peace, joy and prosperity. This ministry is not about us; it’s about how we can come alongside you – encouraging you, strengthening you and sharing in His glory with you. Lives are changed by prayer, which…

Real Partners. Real Stories

“10 years ago my son went to live with his father. It broke my heart and so began a long road of prayer, tears and heartache. Over the years God encouraged me in my darkest hours. I read books, listened to tapes, CD and DVD to encourage myself in prayer and faith. I stumbled and…

How do you love an unlovable person?

You can’t change unlovable people. You can’t even “deal with” them. But you can develop your love until you can love them just the way they are. Loving people—no matter how badly they act, no matter how rotten their attitude—is something you can do. And you do it by faith. You do it in the…

Why God Hates Sin

One day soon, the 600 million-plus, Spirit-filled believers living on this planet are going to wake up to who they really are. They are going to wake up to the fact that through Jesus, Words of God, they have been given dominion on the earth. They’re going to discover they’re the head and not the…

The Father’s Heart

How much love do you have for sinners? That may sound like a strange question, but it’s one I want you to think about today. All too often, once we get saved and get our lives cleaned up a little bit, we lose our compassion for those who are still lost. We look at the drunk stumbling down the street or the guy at the office who lies to the boss and tells dirty jokes and turn up our spiritual noses

The Faith of Abraham

Christianity is God and His family–a family made up of people who are saved, made righteous and BLESSED through faith, that lives, not by a set of religious rules, but by the love of God and the same kind of faith Abraham had.

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