The Collective


The Gift of Evangelism

“Riley, I would love to do what you do, but I don’t have the gift of evangelism.” The words came from a well-meaning Christian who was referring to my street ministry. At the time I was training people in evangelism at my church every Friday night. We were taking teams into the city and seeing…

How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage

The idea of treating others the way we want to be treated sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? And yet, nowhere in life is this more tested than in marriage. To the person we’ve entered into a covenant with, the idea of loving, honouring and cherishing them with our words as well as our actions sometimes…


BVOV is Changing Lives.

Everywhere you look, faith is under attack. Flip on your TV and you’ll see Christian values de-valued on just about every show. Like you, we’ve had enough. And we’re doing something about it. Over the years, through the Believers Voice of Victory (BVOV) broadcast, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have helped believers grow in the things…

The Great Exchange

“I believe, I receive. Amen!” This is the simplicity of faith! A confident declaration of assurance knowing that in the glorious exchange of believing in God, one will assuredly receive from Him. These three coin pieces symbolise that God-kind of faith, inevitable mountain-moving, air-bending, rock-splitting, sea-parting, soul-salvageing, walking-through-the-valley-of-death-fearing-no-evil kind of FAITH! I will always remember…

We’re Here for you!

Ever since the Lord told Kenneth Copeland to preach the uncompromised Word of God on every available voice, proclaiming the truth of God’s Word and His unconditional love, has been the focus and mission of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. To enable us to carry out this mission, KCM have established office’s worldwide, including Australia. At KCM we…

Get on the Right Road

When we’re motoring down the highway of God’s perfect plan, we are hard for the devil to handle. Lost. It’s not a word we associate with Christians. It’s not something we expect born-again, Spirit-filled believers to be. But the fact is, sometimes even the most sincere saints get mixed up about God’s plan for their…

So Long, Insecurities!

You Can Overcome Spiritual, Mental and Physical Insecurities With Scripture! Insecurities. At some time, everyone struggles with them. Words and emotions swirl in our heads whispering that we are not spiritual enough, smart enough, attractive enough or some other “not enough.” All these whispers have something in common—they are all lies straight from the pit…

marriage law

Australian Marriage Law Postal Plebiscite

To all Australian KCM Partners and Friends, beloved of God, grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Your vote in the  Australian Marriage Law Survey is your faith seed to produce the fruits of righteousness for you, your family and nation. It’s your right and responsibility to take…

Wherever You are in the World, We’re Here for You!

Ever since the Lord told Kenneth Copeland to preach the uncompromised Word of God on every available voice, proclaiming the truth of God’s Word and His unconditional love, it has been the focus and mission of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. To enable us to carry out this mission, KCM have established office’s worldwide. Watch the video…

The Partnership Exchange: Your Invitation to Be a Part of Something Big!

“Our greatest days of ministry lie ahead as we minister alongside one another in this glorious partnership exchange!” – Kenneth Copeland What Is Partnership? It’s more than giving and sowing. It’s more than prayer. It’s a covenant—a joining together in faith. It’s being a part of something bigger than yourself.  More than that—it’s POWER! It…

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