The Collective

5 Benefits to Praying in Tongues

When you are baptised in the Holy Spirit, you receive a gift from God—the gift of speaking (or praying) in tongues. It is a powerful gift that every believer should desire. In fact, here are five benefits to praying in tongues: 1. Praying in Tongues Allows You to Speak Directly to God “For if you…

Real Partners. Real Stories

Read below, Real Life Testimonies from Partners & Friends of Kenneth Copeland Ministries… I am 84 years old and have been battling fear all my life. On Friday I rang KCM for prayer. I have had a fear of doctors since I was a small boy and would awake with nightmares of doctors operating on…

really live

Really Live Through Jesus

While ministering in the Far East in 2007, Gloria and I met an extremely successful pastor and businessman from unusually humble beginnings. This man had started out peddling toilet paper from a bicycle-truck for a living. Now in most Western economies, that does not sound like a career with much of a future. But where this…

You Can Provide For Your Family

  As the seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:29), you are God’s representative on earth. You’re blessed with the divine power not just to survive this world’s economic shortcomings, but to thrive despite them. You’re an agent of God sent to take prosperity everywhere you go—that includes providing well for your family and others around you….

Reaching the World, Changing Lives

In addition to ministry and outreach, at least 10 percent of every dollar you give to KCM and EMIC is sown into other ministries around the world. We call this twice-sown seed! We love to reach people with the good news of Jesus and see lives changed, and we’re always ready to fulfil the Great…

Believe the love

LOVE Himself is saying to you right now: I WANT YOU WELL, AND I WANT YOU FREE! (EXODUS 15:26; ISAIAH 53:4-5; ACTS 10:38). Be of good cheer, your sins be forgiven you (MATTHEW 9:2). I will, be thou clean (MATTHEW 8:3). I took your infirmities, I bore your sicknesses (MATTHEW 8:17). I am moved with compassion toward the sick, and I heal them…

The Resurrection Truth

Click here for your FREE MP3 Download of The Resurrection Truth! Our Christian faith is based on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These are facts we can receive by faith, and facts that have forever changed the history of mankind. But what do these facts mean for you today, 2,000 years later? Anything…or everything? Many…

Real Partners, Real Stories

Read below, Real Life Testimonies from Partners & Friends of Kenneth Copeland Ministries.. “My name is Sean Eddington. My wife Carol Eddington recently planted a church called Covenant Christian Church in Victoria Australia. We also run a ministry call ARK Global Ministries. We just want to thank Kenneth and Gloria Copeland so much for their…

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