The Collective

HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT: Free KCM product now offered via BVOV Broadcast!

“When the seed gets bigger, the harvest gets bigger!” – Kenneth Copeland Do you wish you had FREE access to consistent, biblically based study materials and tools that would help you live the victorious life God has planned for you? Do you ever find yourself wishing you could purchase product offers that accompany the Believer’s…

YOU change everything!

“Along with every other Partner, I’ve been serving the God given mission of Kenneth & Gloria Copeland as Executive Director in Australia Asia Pacific for over 15 years. In that time many things have changed in the world around us, but one thing that has never wained; never diminished in joy; never turned cold; is the power of…

Destiny Rescue: A Voice for Those Who Can’t Speak for Themselves!

Destiny Rescue is an international Christian based non-profit organisation dedicated to rescuing children from human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Their vision is to rescue the sexually exploited and enslaved, restore the abused, protect the vulnerable, empower the poor and be a voice for those who can’t speak up for themselves. Kenneth Copeland Ministries Australia are proud…

Living Free

As believers, we have all been delivered out from under the oppressive regime of the devil and translated into the freedom of the kingdom of God.

Healing from the Heart of Jesus

God’s goodness is revealed throughout the Old Testament. But the best and most perfect revelation of it comes to us in the New Testament through His Son. Jesus is the fullest expression of the Father’s heart. Jesus embodies the character and nature of God and He told His disciples, “Anyone who has seen Me has seen…

Kenneth’s Partner Letter

“The LORD has blessed me with many good friends over the years, but the best friends I have are the people who have partnered with me in this ministry. Those are the people I write letters to every month.” And every month since penning his first Partner Letter in February 1986, Kenneth Copeland has faithfully…

Reaction Tour Takes Uganda!

The Reaction Tour Team, led by Kenneth and Gloria’s granddaughter, Courtney Copeland, wrapped up its five-day sports camp in Uganda last week. The team ministered God’s love to the youth of Uganda, with many receiving both Jesus as Lord and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Their lives were changed forever! Below is a day-by-day…

Guest blog post by Dara Maclean: Rejecting the Root

I was overwhelmed by the goodness of God today. I was focusing on freedom from the fear of rejection, and as we know, rejection is a root. The Lord began to take me on a journey through His word in Psalms 34 and had me make it into a confession and speak it over myself, as He begin to wash and uproot fear in all forms.

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