The Collective

Soar On Renewed Faith

Soar On To New Heights With Renewed Faith

Isaiah 40:30-31 is a prophetic message for today’s youth in the church. It empowers the body of Christ to wait on The LORD. From renewed strength through trust to soaring on wings of faith, discover how these verses resonate with the visor and potential of youth. Explore scriptural parallels that guide the path to unwavering faith. Read more for a transformative journey.

The Power of Partnership

The Power of Partnership

How do you activate the power of partnership? As a believer, God calls you to carry out the deeds of Jesus, moving beyond an ordinary natural existence. God supplies His supernatural power through individuals whom He has uniquely anointed. Ephesians 4:11, written by Paul, states that God “bestowed some as apostles, some as prophets, some…

Serving the Vision

Serving The Vision

Serving your local church is an integral part of your spiritual journey and growth. It involves embracing a vision that aligns with God’s purposes. Serving with a vision allows you to contribute meaningfully to the growth and impact of your church community. But, what does The WORD say about serving with a vision?

Your Choices and God's Spirit

Three Ways to Judge Your Dreams and Visions

Dreams and visions are two ways God speaks to His children. There are three major ways you can judge if your dreams and visions are from The Lord. In Joel 2:28, God promised, “I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and…

Your Choices and God’s Spirit

Have you ever wondered how your choices testify for your faith? As a believer your choices are a reflection of God’s direction in your life. When the enemy tries to cause doubt and chaos and you don’t know if you are hearing God’s voice or your own, remember that God will never subject you to a temptation that you cannot triumph over! You already have the victory! God’s Word and your inner witness never contradict each other, but they’re both a vital part of your walk with God.

Your Identity in Christ

What does having an identity in Christ mean? What Jesus did on the cross forever defined your identity as a believer—something many people wrestle with today. Jesus died on our behalf, but Galatians 2:20 shows us that when we made Jesus our Lord, we partook of what He did for us. When He was crucified, spiritually speaking, we were crucified with Him; we died with Him; we were buried and made alive with Him; we were raised up together with Him, and we were seated in heavenly places together with Him.

Great Is Your Faithfulness

Great Is Your Faithfulness

The faithfulness of God will help you in every circumstance of your life. He is faithful to bless us beyond measure, and supplies more than what is needed. He does infinitely beyond what we dare to ask or think. Why? Because He is faithful. And GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS!

Rise Up and Sit

Rise Up and Sit

How do you occupy your position in heavenly places and appropriate what Jesus has done for you? Being raised up and seated at the same time is to be promoted to a sonship through the Salvation of Christ Jesus. This means you no longer have to be subject to your circumstance.

Renew My Mind

What Does It Mean to “Renew My Mind”?

Renewing your mind is an important part of living a successful Christian life. But, what exactly does it mean? Renewing your mind means to focus your life around making The WORD final authority over every circumstance. God’s word is alive and it the living voice from heaven. So, you can fearlessly act on the written WORD of God, just by renewing your mind.

Cast Your Cares on Jesus

Three Ways To Cast Your Cares on Jesus

When Jesus said cast all your cares upon me, He meant it! When a crisis looms our concerns quickly morph into fear and disarms our faith. But, The WORD directs us on how we can be better equip ourselves against the sin of worry. Here are three practical things you can do to help cast all your cares upon Him.

The Anointed Woman

The Anointed Woman

Mothers play a very important role in our lives. They are the anointed woman. They are the bond that holds our families, our churches and our communities together. Mothers are anointed to nurture us into our kingdom purpose. The bible encourages us to honour our mothers daily. So, we honour and celebrate all the women…

Heirs to Gods Glory

Heirs to Gods Glory

The treasure—the Spirit of God, the life of God in us, the glory of God in us, heaven on the inside of us—makes us strong, makes us not crushed, makes us not driven to despair, makes us not abandoned, and prevents us from being destroyed because we are heirs to His glory.

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