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Watch Faith 24/7 on the Victory Channel

In 2015, God brought a new idea to Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM): to build a faith-based Christian television network unlike any other. It was the next step in fulfilling the call God gave to Kenneth Copeland in 1967 to preach the uncompromised Word of God on every available voice—from the top of the world to the…

Easter Giveaway

Easter Giveaway – Love has Won! Victory is Ours!

Easter is almost here and we are celebrating the VICTORY and LIFE that our JESUS paid for! Despite the current issues that are happening around the world today, WE HAVE GOOD NEWS!!! JESUS. JESUS CHRIST. SAVIOUR OF ALL. IN AND THROUGH Jesus we have been given the victory over death – hallelujah!!! We want to…

Merry Christmas from KCM Australia

Imagine the world during this time 2000 years ago. A world in darkness. A world in despair. A world in captivity. A world in sin and separated from God. A world in need, of a Saviour! Many things come to mind when we celebrate this festive season. Three wise men. Star in the East. Angels singing…

Q: Should I eat the same way they did in Bible times?

Q: Should I eat the same way they did in Bible times?

A: Under the old covenant, the people of Israel were given dietary laws which outlined clean and unclean foods they could eat (Genesis 9:2-4; Exodus 23:19; Leviticus 7:23-27, 11:1-47, 17:10-16; Deuteronomy 14:3-21). Not only were these laws protective of their health, but they were also required to be obeyed in order to be in right-standing…

The ministry of reconciliation

WATCH NOW – Creflo Dollar: The ministry of reconciliation

At the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Creflo Dollar shows how man was reconciled to a holy God. We are all called to the ministry of reconciliation, but he challenges all to see that there is no reconciliation without equality. This is a call for the Church to set the pace on how to love everyone! …

Remember when we gathered..

Wow! It has been a whole year since we gathered for the meetings last year!! What a week it was..thousands of faith filled believers, joining in the atmosphere of faith, believing and walking in the victory God has called us to! Together we gathered, encountered God and left changed!!!!  What was your favourite moment from the…

Southwest Believers' Convention day 6

The BVOV Broadcast to No Longer Air on TBN

From the Desk of Kenneth Copeland To My Partners and Friends, For 40 years, Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been privileged and honoured to partner with TBN in preaching the gospel to the world! From the beginning of our friendship, the Crouch family has been a blessing to our ministry, and to Gloria and me personally. How grateful…

Generation Series: Real People. Real Faith.

Watch our Generation Series, and see how the message of faith is changing generations! For more than 50 years, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have taught believers around the world how to live by faith and apply the Word of God to their everyday lives. The result? Generations of Spirit-led believers have learnt how to rise…

Q&A: How is Israel Important Today?

A: God has always had a plan for the nation of Israel, and we can see in Romans 1:16 that even after Jesus had paid the price for man’s sin, God still made special reference to the Jews. Understanding why requires that we realize that God sees three distinct groups of people in the world—the Jews, the Gentiles (people who aren’t Christians) and the Church. And each have a unique role (see 1 Corinthians 10:32).

You Make it Possible. Thank you Partners!

BECAUSE YOU PRAY. BECAUSE YOU GIVE. YOU MAKE IT POSSIBLE. Countless lives have been transformed because you have connected and committed to being part of the international mission God has given us—to bring the transforming WORD of God to the nations and connect people to the God who loves them! Copyright © 1997- Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. aka Kenneth…

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